















「Mandate of Leadership(リーダーシップの使命)」という保守系シンクタンクのヘリテージ財団がまとめた指南書で、共和党大統領が誕生した後に遂行すべき事柄や目的などが具体的に記されています。




米国が世界の中で存在感を持ち続けるには、この「Mandate of Leadership(リーダーシップの使命)」の実現にかかっているのかもしれません。


Kevin D. Roberts, PhD

Forty-four years ago, the United States and the conservative movement were in dire straits. Both had been betrayed by the Washington establishment and were uncertain whom to trust. Both were internally splintered and strategically adrift. Worse still, at that moment of acute vulnerability and division, we found ourselves besieged by existential adversaries, foreign and domestic. The late 1970s were by any measure a historic low point for America and the political coalition dedicated to preserving its unique legacy of human flourishing and freedom.
44年前、米国と保守運動は悲惨な状況にあった。 両者ともワシントン支配層に裏切られ、誰を信頼してよいか分からなかった。 どちらも内部で分裂し、戦略的に迷走していた。 さらに悪いことに、深刻な脆弱性と分裂の瞬間に、私たちは国外、国内を問わず、実存を脅かす敵に包囲されていることに気づいた。 1970年代後半は、どう見てもアメリカと人類の繁栄と自由という独自の遺産を守ることに専念した政治連合にとって歴史的などん底だった。

Today, America and the conservative movement are enduring an era of division and danger akin to the late 1970s. Now, as then, our political class has been discredited by wholesale dishonesty and corruption. Look at America under the ruling and cultural elite today: Inflation is ravaging family budgets, drug overdose deaths continue to escalate, and children suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries. Overseas, a totalitarian Communist dictatorship in Beijing is engaged in a strategic, cultural, and economic Cold War against America’s interests, values, and people—all while globalist elites in Washington awaken only slowly to that growing threat. Moreover, low-income communities are drowning in addiction and government dependence. Contemporary elites have even repurposed the worst ingredients of 1970s “radical chic” to build the totalitarian cult known today as “The Great Awokening.” And now, as then, the Republican Party seems to have little understanding about what to do. Most alarming of all, the very moral foundations of our society are in peril.
今日、アメリカと保守運動は、1970年代後半のような分裂と危機の時代を迎えている。当時と同様、現在も、政治家階級は不正と腐敗によって信用を失っている。支配的で文化的なエリートの下にある今日のアメリカを見てみよう: インフレは家計をむしばみ、薬物の過剰摂取による死亡はエスカレートし続け、子どもたちは学校の図書館にドラッグクイーンやポルノが入り込み、トランスジェンダーの有害な常態化に苦しんでいる。海外では、北京の全体主義的な共産党独裁政権が、アメリカの利益、価値観、国民に対して戦略的、文化的、経済的な冷戦を展開している一方で、ワシントンのグローバリズムのエリートたちは、その脅威の増大にゆっくりとしか気づいていない。さらに、低所得者層は依存症と政府への依存に溺れている。現代のエリートたちは、1970年代の「ラディカル・シック」の最悪の要素を再利用して、今日「大いなる目覚め」として知られる全体主義カルトを構築している。そして今も、当時と同様、共和党は何をすべきかほとんど理解していないようだ。何よりも憂慮すべきは、私たちの社会の道徳的基盤が危機に瀕していることだ。

Yet students of history will note that, notwithstanding all those challenges, the late 1970s proved to be the moment when the political Right unified itself and the country and led the United States to historic political, economic, and global victories.

The Heritage Foundation is proud to have played a small but pivotal role in that story. It was in early 1979—amid stagflation, gas lines, and the Red Army’s invasion of Afghanistan, the nadir of Jimmy Carter’s days of malaise—that Heritage launched the Mandate for Leadership project. We brought together hundreds of conservative scholars and academics across the conservative movement. Together, this team created a 20-volume, 3,000-page governing handbook containing more than 2,000 conservative policies to reform the federal government and rescue the American people from Washington dysfunction. It was a promise from the conservative movement to the country—confident, specific, and clear.

Mandate for Leadership was published in January 1981—the same month Ronald Reagan was sworn into his presidency. By the end of that year, more than 60 percent of its recommendations had become policy—and Reagan was on his way to ending stagflation, reviving American confidence and prosperity, and winning the Cold War.
『リーダーシップの使命』は1981年1月 に出版され、ロナルド・レーガンが大統領に就任したのと同じ月であった。その年の終わりまでに、その提言の60%以上が政策化され、レーガンはスタグフレーションを終わらせ、アメリカの自信と繁栄を復活させ、冷戦に勝利する道を歩んでいた。

The bad news today is that our political establishment and cultural elite have once again driven America toward decline. The good news is that we know the way out even though the challenges today are not what they were in the 1970s.

Conservatives should be confident that we can rescue our kids, reclaim our culture, revive our economy, and defeat the anti-American Left—at home and abroad. We did it before and will do it again.

As Ronald Reagan put it:

Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each eneration[.]1

This is the duty history has put before us and the standard by which our generation of conservatives will be judged. And we should not want it any other way.

The legacy of Mandate for Leadership, and indeed of the entire Reagan Revolution, is that if conservatives want to save the country, we need a bold and courageous plan. This book is the first step in that plan.


This volume—The Conservative Promise—is the opening salvo of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, launched by The Heritage Foundation and our many partners in April 2022. Its 30 chapters lay out hundreds of clear and concrete policy recommendations for White House offices, Cabinet departments, Congress, and agencies, commissions, and boards.

Just as important as the scope of The Conservative Promise’s recommendations is the breadth of its authorship. This book is the product of more than 400 scholars and policy experts from across the conservative movement and around the country. Contributors include former elected officials, world-renowned economists, and veterans from four presidential Administrations. This is an agenda prepared by and for conservatives who will be ready on Day One of the next Administration to save our country from the brink of disaster.

The Heritage Foundation is once again facilitating this work. But as our dozens of partners and hundreds of authors will attest, this book is the work of the entire conservative movement. As such, the authors express consensus recommendations already forged, especially along four broad fronts that will decide America’s future:

  1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.

  2. アメリカ生活の中心としての家族を取り戻し、子供たちを守る。

  3. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.

  4. 行政国家を解体し、アメリカ国民に自治を取り戻す。

  5. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.

  6. グローバルな脅威から、わが国の主権、国境、恩恵を守る。

  7. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

  8. 自由に生きるために神から与えられた個人の権利、すなわち憲法で言うところの「自由の恩恵」を確保する。

What makes these four pieces of the conservative promise so valuable to the next President is that they cut through superficial distractions and focus on the moral and foundational challenges America faces in this moment of history. This was one of the secrets of conservatives’ success in the Reagan Era, one our generation should emulate.

As in the late 1970s, Americans today experience the failures of political and cultural elites in countless ways: in the job market and in the grocery store checkout lines, on the streets and in our schools, in the media and within our institutions. But in truth, these daily dysfunctions are not innumerable problems, but innumerable manifestations of a few core crises.

In 1979, the threats we faced were the Soviet Union, the socialism of 1970s liberals, and the predatory deviancy of cultural elites. Reagan defeated these beasts by ignoring their tentacles and striking instead at their hearts.

His approach to the Cold War? “We win and they lose.”

His economic agenda? The human dignity of work and its many rewards.

His platform in the culture wars? The “community of values embodied in these words: family, work, neighborhood, peace and freedom.”

This book—and Project 2025 as a whole—will arm the next conservative President with the same kind of strategic clarity, but for a new age.
