"We Made A Beautiful Bouquet "

Hi, I'm pipi😊
Today I read a book named "We Made A Beautiful Bouquet" .
It is a novelized version of a movie released a few years ago.
I actually saw it in the theater a few years ago.

A few years later, I read the novel version and was once again moved by the story. I think I've grown up a lot since I first saw the movie, and I can relate to it more. In particular, it is both realistic and heartbreaking to see the main characters gradually drift apart due to differences in how they think about job hunting, their future visions, and their ideal lifestyles.
For me, this work is so fascinating that I want to read it again and again.

Even as we grow older, we want to stay connected to our loved ones.
Thank you for reading and good night🌉



年を重ねても、自分にとって大切な人とはずっとつながっていたいと思います。読んでいただきありがとうございます、そしておやすみなさい🌉2024.2.16 pipi😊
