
The box: Re3






After graduating junior high school, we went to high school.

Koharu wasn’t still healthy in a social manner, so she
went to a school where she can study remotely.

And I went to a public high school nearby.

By this time, Koharu was less likely to
lose physical condition or
suffer from a seizure.

It was not because
her phobia has eased.

It's because she got better at
dealing with the phobia.

You can also say that Koharu still couldn’t get near men.

But as Koharu had grown,
she was starting to be able to interact with men,
it was not directly though.

In short, she started using social media.

When I became a high school student,
I got a permission from the staff in our facility,
and started a part-time job.

It was a flower shop in a shopping mall.

One of the best times I had when I was a little girl was
playing with my mother, pretending
I owned a flower shop.

I had a little dream to work at a flower shop.

I bought a smart phone with the money I earned.

We were only able to use the computer
In our facility for one hour a day.

Koharu spent that one hour to do some
research for her homework.

So we owned the social media using
the phone that I bought.

When we were together,
I shared my smart phone with Koharu.

Koharu didn’t have any kind of boyfriend.

So when Koharu was talking to boys online,
she basically had to talk to someone she didn’t know.

Whenever Koharu got a comment from the opposite sex,
she always confirmed with me if the person was all right.

Koharu replied to the people that I said was OK.

Koharu was happy to be able to
interact with a man without any fear.

Koharu was afraid of men,
but she didn’t hate them.

Actually, I was the one who hated men.

My father left me and my mother
for another women.

One day Koharu got a message from one of her online male friends,
and was asked to meet directly.

It’s a common thing if you own social media.

Koharu got a little frightened.

But, all she had to do was
to only tell that she couldn’t meet him.

However, Koharu was shocked at herself,
realizing the fear she had by just receiving the message.

Just when she starting to get used to interacting
with the opposite sex…

It made her really sad to know that she couldn’t even
interact with men online.

Koharu was just like any other teenage girl,
who gets excited and screams when she seizes her favorite
movie star.

Koharu didn't hate men,
but she was scared,
which made me feel sorry for her.

Watching her feeling upset alone in her room
made me want to give her a hug.
I wanted to give her a hug, but I couldn’t even do it.

I once before tried to calm her from her anxiety.
I tried to put my arms around her shoulder
while softly calling her name.

Koharu anxiety didn’t allow to do that.
She sometimes got afraid even if me,
a girl who was trying to touch her.

You could probably call Koharu’s phobia “a contact phobia

If there was any such thing like that.

Koharu started to avoid engaging with men
on social media.

But it wasn’t much a bad thing.

Koharu likes fashion, but we didn’t have much
money to spend to buy clothes.

That's why we used to buy second hand clothes
at a thrift shops.

Koharu cut it, sewed it,  
and sometimes dyed it, all by herself,
recreated to her own taste.

She also created her own accessories,
using things that would be sold at
100 yen shop.

There was also a 100yen shop in the shopping mall
where I had a part time job.

I remember Koharu asking me often to do some shopping for her.

Koharu wear her accessories and posted on the
social media.

Koharu's photos were full of likes and comments.

Koharu had a hard time to go out
and make some friends because of her phobia.

However, thanks to social media,
she was able to connect to many girls.






・alone in her room

・thrift shops
お洋服の中古店を通例のsecond handではにゃく
thrift shops(thrift=節約)を使っていますにゃ〇




日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇