



  • 英語日記

    ただただ、学習の記録の自己満足です( ᐛ )

  • おもてなしのいろは

    ・noteで研修マニュアルに挑戦 ・社内研修コンテンツの一部


  • 固定された記事


当時、約20年前のこと。 入社して、まもなく。 社内では、プロとは??とか プロ意識を持って!なんて言葉が 飛び交っていた。 社長通信から発信のあった プロ意識というワードや響きに なになに??どういうことだろ?? となっていた記憶がある ちょうど、自分の誕生日に社長から、 プロに関連するキーワードの ビジネス書をもらったことも覚えている。 さて、アマチュアで過ごさないためにという本題に入る前に 少しだけプロとは??一体何かを考えてみたい さまざまな書籍やSNS上で

    • #93 2024.April.26.Friday

      2024.April.26.Friday #90 Today is Friday. Well, let's do our best today! Finally, today, a new restaurant is opening. In Kamagaya City, Chiba Prefecture, Miso Ramen specialty restaurant Nichigetsudo! This is our third restaurant in Chiba

      • #92 2024.April.25.Thursday

        本日は木曜日。 さてさて、バタバタとしております! 多義にわたる仕事をバシバシ攻略。 いわゆるゲーム感覚! 忙しい時や困難な時にはいつもこう考える 癖があります。 さてどうやって攻略するか!ってね 孫悟空の場合は、『強いやついるっとドキドキすっぞ!』 みたいな感じ。(昭和世代) Today is Thursday. Anyway, I’m quite busy! I battle various tasks energetically. It's like playi

        • #91 2024.April.22.Monday

          Today is Monday, the beginning of the week! Well, let's do our best this week! We are scheduled to open a new store this week. It's been a while since we opened a store in Chiba. I went to take a look yesterday. It's in great shape! I'm loo

        • 固定された記事



        • 英語日記
        • おもてなしのいろは


          #90 2024.April.21.Sunday

          今日は、日曜日!! さてさて、今日も頑張ろうーー! ちょっと真面目な話。 偉くなるな。って言葉を若手の時からよくよく聞かされた。 幸いにも年上の方を部下に持つことが多く、 そんな余裕なんかなかった。 勘違いしちゃいけない、 役職名なんてただ役割の名前でしかない。 偉そうにする前にやるべきことを。 知ってもらいたい。 Today is Sunday. Anyway, Let’s do our best today. A little seriouly story Don’

          #90 2024.April.21.Sunday

          #89 2024.April.20.Saturday

          Today is Saturday. Let’s do our best today, too! Advertising!! I tried our shop's new product, "Spicy Miso Ramen," yesterday. It's a ramen that becomes addictive with its spicy and delicious taste. I broke my metabolism and ate it while swe

          #89 2024.April.20.Saturday

          #88 2024.April.19.Friday

          Today is Friday. Let’s do our best today, too. Yesterday, I re scheduled my work and I went to playing golf in Tochigi at sudden. I went to it early morning, be back work this afternoon. I’m used to working and playing a few years ago. A

          #88 2024.April.19.Friday

          #87 2024.April.17.Wednesday

          Today is Wednesday. Let's do our best today too! I want to exercise. I have been restricting myself at work since I got sick. There is a lot of desk work, which is unbalanced. I want to move my body. I want to play golf. 本日は、水曜日! 今日もがんばろー!

          #87 2024.April.17.Wednesday

          #86 2024.April.16.Tuesday

          Today is Tuesday! Let's do our best today, too! Anyway, yesterday was finally the day of the grand menu renewal. For now, the feedback from the first day is very positive. We will continue to monitor the progress and make improvements d

          #86 2024.April.16.Tuesday

          #85 2024.April.15.Monday

          Today is Monday, the beginning of the week! Let's do our best this week! I'm currently studying wine. The most common grape variety for white wine is Chardonnay, while for red wine, it's Cabernet Sauvignon. Both varieties are grown in m

          #85 2024.April.15.Monday

          #84 2024.April.14.Sunday

          Today is Sunday. Let’s do our best today too. The weather is calm, with a gentle spring climate. It’s awesome. The cherry blossoms have mostly fallen, but I'm looking forward to enjoying this weather. I wonder if the northern areas will be

          #84 2024.April.14.Sunday

          #83 2024.April.12.Saturday

          Today is Saturday. I will be off today, so maybe I’m going to see the cherry blossoms. My daughters are very busy with basketball club activities. They have basketball five times a week. It's really great to have something to be passion

          #83 2024.April.12.Saturday

          #82 2024.April.12.Friday

          本日は、金曜日。さあ、今日も頑張りますかー! 最近、Capcutを使って動画を作ることが多い。 1年前くらいから、仕事のレギュレーションを動画で まとめて共有するようになった。 YoutubeでUPして。 すんげえ、便利になったもんだ〜 Today is Friday.Okay!Let’s do our best today, too. Recently, I make many moving picture by Cap cut. I made a job’s regul

          #82 2024.April.12.Friday

          #81 2024.April.11.Thursday

          Today is Thursday. Let’s do our best today, too. As usual,I’m busy, but I feel good. At last, the new grand menu will start next week. Currently, my restaurant is very busy. I want to convey it to customer in a good way. 本日は木曜日!今日も頑張ろう!

          #81 2024.April.11.Thursday

          #80 2024.April.9.Tuesday

          2024.April.9.Tuesday 本日は、火曜日。今日もがんばろー! 昨日振り返りを少し。 昨日は、次女の中学校の入学式でした。 大きめな制服を見に纏い、少し大人になった次女。 自転車で通学します。 早速、この雨じゃ。。大変だ。。。 がんばれーーー!てか、最近本当に雨が多くない?? 添削後 Today is Tuesday. Let’s work hard today too. A little recap of yesterday. Yesterday was

          #80 2024.April.9.Tuesday

          #79 2024.April.8.Monday

          Today is Monday, the start of a new week! Let's do our best this week! Yesterday, the weather was fantastic. While I was commuting to work, I saw many people enjoying flower viewing. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and looked absolut

          #79 2024.April.8.Monday