
File.11 日本のお正月- Japanese New Year





After Christmas comes the year-end and New Year season immediately. Every year, I find myself struggling to catch up with the swift transition from Western-style celebrations to the traditional Japanese New Year. However, I always think, "I really do love Japanese New Year," as soon as I welcome New Year's Eve.

While I don't dislike the lively countdown celebrations abroad for the new year, there's something special about the quiet night of New Year's Eve with the resonating temple bells echoing "gong, gong." Falling asleep while casually reflecting on the past and upcoming year. On the morning of January 1st, the streets are serene with few cars or pedestrians, enveloped in the New Year atmosphere. Turning on the TV filled with New Year's programs and eating ozōni, a traditional New Year's soup, I can truly feel, "Ah, it's New Year."
Every year on New Year's, I indulge in traditional dishes that I wouldn't eat otherwise, visit a nearby shrine for the first visit of the year, and fly kites with my children. These routines, unique to the New Year, are special and repeated every year. Yet, a year without them feels somewhat lacking, and the sense of a new beginning doesn't quite settle in.

For some reason, New Year's is a time when I strongly feel my identity as a Japanese person. The year-end and New Year festivities seem to be significant events for the Japanese. As a mother, preparing for the New Year is honestly quite a hassle, but I motivate myself, thinking that certain things must be done.
...Now, I must start by putting away the Christmas tree.
