
🌹ONE OK ROCK🌹森進一🌹EdSheeran🌹

🥗On Mori's Instagram, he posted the same photo and wrote, ``On New Year's Day, we confirmed that he was safe... Takahiro was welcomed with home-made curry and rice!!'' He revealed that he treated his son to a home-cooked meal, which suggests that the time between parent and child was fulfilling.


🎼TheBeatles と森進一氏のAlbum🎼

Renegades」は、ワンオクがエド・シーランとともにイギリス郊外にある彼のプライベートスタジオで共同制作した楽曲。ワンオクが2019年に行われたエドのワールドツアー「Ed Sheeran DIVIDE WORLD TOUR 2019」のサポートアクトを務め、エドがワンオクのアリーナツアー「ONE OK ROCK 2019 - 2020 “Eye of the Storm” JAPAN TOUR」にサプライズ出演する
