
❄️上皇さま90歳卒寿の誕生日Birth of the retired Emperor at the age of 90❄️


愛子さま、淡い水色の装いに帽子姿で笑顔…お祝いの挨拶へ 上皇さま90歳卒寿の誕生日 歴代天皇で初の90代
The Emperor celebrated his 90th birthday on the 23rd, and Princess Aiko, the eldest daughter of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, recently visited the Akasaka Imperial Estate to congratulate him.

12/23(土) 10:57配信

明仁(あきひと、(1933年〈昭和8年〉12月23日 - )は、日本の第125代天皇(在位: 1989年〈昭和64年〉1月7日 - 2019年〈平成31年〉4月30日)[注釈 2]、上皇(在位: 2019年〈令和元年〉5月1日 - )。御称号は繼宮[5]/継宮[6](つぐのみや)、お印は榮(えい)[7]。敬称は陛下[8]。勲等は大勲位。また、ハゼを専門

Akihito (December 23, 1933 -) is the 125th Emperor of Japan (reigned: January 7, 1989 - 2019) (April 30th) [Note 2], Retired Emperor (Reign: May 1st, 2019 -).His title is Tsugunomiya [5] / Tsugunomiya [6], His seal is Ei (Ei) [7]. His honorific title is His Majesty [8]. His decoration is Grand Order. He also specializes in gobies.


From my family's music collection,

About Mozart

Mozart was a very well-behaved child when he was 4 or 5 years old.

I don't remember ever being spanked by my parents.

To Mozart, his father, Leopold, was the next greatest person after God.

If you look at Mozart from your father's perspective,

This little boy is like a toy, full of surprise and joy.

She was looking forward to seeing her son, who was able to easily complete not only music but other studies as well.

Every day I repeat music and study.

Little Mozart's favorite phrase is "Do you love me?" he asks dozens of times a day.

Whenever my parents made a fuss, I cried a lot.

This story gave me many images.

If Mozart were born in modern times,

How will it grow?

I used to watch this complete collection,

A new discovery has been made about Mozart.

My heart felt a little better.

"Jupiter" is

It was my first time touching it.

That's nice🎼🎼🎼
