小説の場面をGPTに書かせる試み 9/100


  • 登場人物の思考が混ざる

  • 場面ではなく物語そのものを書こうとしている

  • 場面が前に進まないことがある









最新版は https://github.com/takeshisue1108/generate_story

import openai
import json
import tiktoken
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import AIMessage
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage
from langchain.schema import SystemMessage
from langchain import PromptTemplate
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
import datetime
def is_valid_json(input_string):
    if input_string == None or input_string == "":
      return False

        return True
        return False

def gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list = [], user_content_list = [], assistant_content_list = [], max_tokens = None):
    print(f"gpt_response_from_lists start. TIME: {datetime.datetime.now()}")

    messages = []
    whole_text = ""

    for system_content in system_content_list:
      messages.append(SystemMessage(content = system_content))
      whole_text += system_content

    list_length = max(len(assistant_content_list), len(user_content_list))

    for i in range(0, list_length):

      if i < len(user_content_list):
        messages.append(HumanMessage(content = user_content_list[i]))
        whole_text += user_content_list[i]

      if i < len(assistant_content_list):
        messages.append(AIMessage(content = assistant_content_list[i]))
        whole_text += assistant_content_list[i]

    encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model('gpt-3.5-turbo')
    encoded_text = encoding.encode(whole_text)
    len_encoded_text = len(encoded_text)

    tokens_per_text = 3
    tokens_per_name = 1

    name_count = len(system_content_list) + len(assistant_content_list) + len(user_content_list)
    total_tokens = name_count * tokens_per_name + len_encoded_text * tokens_per_text

    model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo" 

    if total_tokens > 4096:
      model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"

    print(f"estimated total tokens: {total_tokens}, model name: {model_name}")

    chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY)

    if max_tokens != None:
      chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY, max_tokens=max_tokens)

      response = chat(messages)
    except Exception as e:
      print(f"error in gpt_response_from_lists: {e}. I'll retry with gpt-3.5-turbo-16k")
      model_name = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
      chat = ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY) if max_tokens == None else ChatOpenAI(model_name=model_name, openai_api_key= OPENAI_API_KEY, max_tokens=max_tokens)
      response = chat(messages)

    print(f"response= {response}")
    print(f"gpt_response_from_lists done TIME: {datetime.datetime.now()}")

    return response
class Action_Object:
    def __init__(self, action = "", who_took_action = "Anonymous", consequence = "Undetermined", score = 0.0):
        self.action = action
        self.who_took_action = who_took_action
        self.consequence = consequence
        self.score = score
    def __str__(self):
        return str({"action": self.action, "who_took_action": self.who_took_action, "consequence": self.consequence})
global_log = dict()

class Character:
    initial_system_content_template = """
    I am trying to write a story. You will assist by playing the role of a character in this story.
    I will provide information about the character you are to portray as follows. From then on, please respond in character.

    Character Name: {name}
    Character Personality: {personality}
    Character Goal: {goal}
    Current Need: {current_need}
    What have happened in this story: {log_summary}

    initial_system_content = ""
    current_need = ""
    name = ""
    personality = ""
    log = dict()
    log_summary = ""
    log_summary_pointer = 0
    place = ""
    def __init__(self, name = "", personality = "" , goal = "", current_need = "", log = [], place = ""):
        self.name = name
        self.personality = personality
        self.goal = goal
        self.current_need = current_need
        self.place = place
        for i in range(len(log)):
            self.log[i] = log[i]


    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    def summarize_log(self):
        if len(self.log) == 0:
            self.log_summary = ""

        log_to_be_summarized = ""
        for i in range(self.log_summary_pointer, len(self.log)):
            log_to_be_summarized += self.log[i] + "¥n"

        self.log_summary_pointer = len(self.log) 

        system_content = f"""
        You are given a summary of the events that have occurred in the story so far, called 'log_summary', and the most recent events of the story, called 'log_to_be_summarized'.
        Please update the 'log_summary' by incorporating the information from 'log_to_be_summarized'.

        user_content = f"""
        log_summary: {self.log_summary}
        log_to_be_summarized: {log_to_be_summarized}

        response = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list= [self.initial_system_content ,system_content], user_content_list=[user_content], assistant_content_list=[])
        self.log_summary = response.content
        print(f"""{self.name} updated log_summary to:

        return response

    def refresh_initial_system_content(self):

        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["name", "personality", "goal", "current_need", "log_summary"], template=self.initial_system_content_template)
        self.initial_system_content = prompt_template.format(name=self.name, personality=self.personality, goal=self.goal, current_need=self.current_need, log_summary=self.log_summary,)

    def set_current_need(self, current_need):
        self.current_need = current_need
    def set_name(self, name):
        self.name = name
    def set_personality(self, personality):
        self.personality = personality

    def set_goal(self, goal):
        self.goal = goal

    def add_to_logs(self, message, refresh_initial_system_content = True):
        global global_log
        self.log[len(self.log)] = message
        global_log[len(global_log)] = message
        if refresh_initial_system_content:

    def add_to_self_log(self, message, refresh_initial_system_content = True):
        self.log[len(self.log)] = message
        if refresh_initial_system_content:

    def cleanse_action_thought(self, action_object):
        action = action_object.action
        who_took_action = action_object.who_took_action
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        system_content= """
        You will be given an action taken by characters in this story.
        From the action, please remove any information you should not be able to know, and describe only the physical appearance of those actions.
        A prominent example of information you cannot know would be the inner thoughts of a character who is not you.

        The output should be JSON parsable string.
        sample output: {"action": "{content of action}", "who_took_action": "{the name of who took action}", "consequence": "{content of consequence}"}

        user_content_example = """
        Action: Watson suspected that the coffee cup might contain poison. Thinking that Holmes shouldn't drink it, Watson tasted the coffee to inspect whether it contained any poison. 
        Who took action: Watson
        Consequence: The next moment, he collapsed due to the effect of the poison.

        assistant_content_example = """
        {"action": "Watson tasted the coffee.", "who_took_action": "Watson", "consequence": "The next moment, he collapsed"}

        user_content = f"""
        Action: {action}
        Who took action: {who_took_action}
        Consequence: {consequence}

        success = False
        response = None

        while not success:
            response = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list= [self.initial_system_content, system_content], user_content_list=[user_content_example, user_content], assistant_content_list=[assistant_content_example])

            if is_valid_json(response.content):
                success = True

        response_json = json.loads(response.content)

        cleansed_action_object = Action_Object(action=response_json["action"], who_took_action=response_json["who_took_action"], consequence=response_json["consequence"])

        return cleansed_action_object

    def evaluate_action_and_reassess_need(self, action_object):
        action_object = self.cleanse_action_thought(action_object)

        action = action_object.action
        who_took_action = action_object.who_took_action
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        # if action's type is not string, stringfy it
        if type(action) != str:
            action = str(action)

        user_content_template = """
        Given the following infomation, please infer the purpose of the action.
        Action: {action}
        Who took action: {who_took_action}
        Consequence: {consequence}

        The output should be a string that describes the intent of the action from your perspective.
        If name of who took action is same as your name, the action is taken by you and you already know the purpose of the action, so return the purpose of the action."

        sample output: "The dog was beaten up by the police, and I assume that the police wanted to intimidate the dog."
        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "who_took_action", "consequence"], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(action=action, who_took_action=who_took_action, consequence=consequence,)
        inferred_purpose = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content
        self.add_to_self_log(f"{who_took_action}'s action: {action}.", refresh_initial_system_content=False)
        self.add_to_self_log(f"Consequence of previous action: {consequence}.", refresh_initial_system_content=False)
        self.add_to_logs(f"{self.name}'s thought: " + inferred_purpose, refresh_initial_system_content=False)

        user_content_template = """
        Given the following information, suggest what your immediate need might now be. It is acceptable for the immediate need to be the same as the current need.
        Action: {action}
        Who took action: {who_took_action}
        Consequence: {consequence}

        The output should be a string that describes your immediate need.
        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "who_took_action", "consequence",], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(action=action, who_took_action=who_took_action, consequence=consequence,)
        new_need = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content
        old_need = self.current_need
        self.add_to_logs(f"{self.name}'s need renewed: {new_need}")

        user_content_template = """
        Your current need is:
        Your previous need was:
        Tell me why you did (not) change your need.

        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["new_need", "old_need"], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(new_need=new_need, old_need=old_need)
        determination = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content
        self.add_to_logs(f"{self.name}'s thought: " + determination)

        response = {"inferred_purpose": inferred_purpose, "new_need": new_need, "determination": determination,}

        return response

    def consider_next_actions(self, actants = []):
        actions = dict()

        if len(actants) == 0:

        action_user_content_template = """
        Consider your next move in the current scene where there is {actant} involved.
        If this element aids you in achieving your goals or satisfies your needs, figure out a way to incorporate it into your action.
        But, if it hinders your goal or needs, think about a strategy to eliminate or neutralize it.
        The action must be narrated from the viewpoint of an outside observer, without incorporating any individual's internal thoughts.
        The output should descrive and only describe your next action, and don't describe the consequence of the action.
        The action should be taken in {place}.

        output example: "Micky will go to the police station and ask for the release of Duffy."

        consequence_user_content_template = """
        Consider the consequence of your action.
        To determine the consequence must consistent with the log.
        The consequence must be narrated from the viewpoint of an outside observer, without incorporating any individual's internal thoughts.
        The consequence should be taken in {place}.

        output example: "Micky went to the police station and ask for the release of Duffy, then Micky was arrested."

        Action you took: {action}
        for actant in actants:
            # if actant is not string, stringfy it
            if type(actant) != str:
                actant = str(actant)

            # determine the action
            prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["actant", "place"], template=action_user_content_template)
            user_content = prompt_template.format(actant = actant, place = self.place)
            action = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content

            # determine the consequence
            prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "place"], template=consequence_user_content_template)
            user_content = prompt_template.format(action = action, place = self.place)
            consequence = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content

            # store the action to the actions dictionary
            actions[actant] = Action_Object(action=action, who_took_action=self.name, consequence=consequence)

        return actions

    def reconsider_next_actions(self, action_canditate, consequence):

        user_content_template = """
        You proposed performing `action`.
        However, due to the demands of the narrative, it must lead to a result known as `consequence`.
        Please modify `action` to ensure it results in `consequence`.

        The action must be described from third person's perspective and must not include a person's inner voice.
        The output should descrive and only describe your next action, and don't describe the consequence of the action.
        The action should be taken in {place}.

        action you suggested: {action}
        required consequence: {consequence}

        output: modified action

        prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["action", "consequence", "place"], template=user_content_template)
        user_content = prompt_template.format(action=action_canditate.action, consequence=consequence, place=self.place)
        action = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=[self.initial_system_content], user_content_list=[user_content]).content

        reconsidered_action = Action_Object(action=action, who_took_action=self.name, consequence=consequence, score = 9)

        return reconsidered_action
class Game_Master:
    def __init__(self, actants = [], schedule_stack = [], tolerance = 1):
        self.actants = actants
        self.schedule_stack = schedule_stack
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.deviated = 0

    def add_to_global_log(self, message):
        global global_log
        global_log[len(global_log)] = message

    def main(self, catalyst_action_object, max_iterations=10):
        global global_log

        next_action = catalyst_action_object
        iteration_count = 0

        while len(self.schedule_stack) > 0 and iteration_count <= max_iterations:
            iteration_count += 1
            # check if there is a character in the actants list
            character_count = 0
            for actant in self.actants:
                if type(actant) == Character:
                    character_count += 1

            if character_count == 0:
                print("There is no character in the actants list.")

            action_candidates = self.aggregate_action_candidates(next_action)
            next_action = self.determine_next_action(action_candidates)["max_scored_action"]

            if iteration_count > max_iterations:
                print(f"The iteration count exceeded the maximum iteration count: {max_iterations}")


    def add_actant(self, actant):

    def add_schedule_stack(self, situation):

    def remove_actant(self, name):
        for i in range(len(self.actants)):
            if str(self.actants[i]) == str(name):
    def pop_schedule_stack(self, situation = None):
        if situation == None:
            return self.schedule_stack.pop()

        for i in range(len(self.schedule_stack)):
            if str(self.schedule_stack[i]) == str(situation):
                return self.schedule_stack.pop(i)

    def aggregate_action_candidates(self, action_object):
        action_candidates = []
        for actant in self.actants:
            if type(actant) == Character:

        print(f"action_candidates: {action_candidates}")

        return action_candidates

    def determine_next_action(self, action_candidates):
        # Consequenseとsheduled_situationが最もマッチするものを選択する。
        # sheduled_situationを取得する。
        sheduled_situation = self.schedule_stack[-1]

        # 点数をつける。点数が付けられていない場合は、繰り返す。ここで、どのactionが取られるかが決定する。
        max_score = 0
        max_scored_action = None
        print(f"action_candidates: {action_candidates}")

        for item in action_candidates:
            for key in list(item.keys()):
                item[key] = self.calculate_score(sheduled_situation, item[key])

                if item[key].score >= max_score:
                    max_score = item[key].score
                    max_scored_action = item[key]

        if max_score < 9:
            if self.deviated < self.tolerance:
                self.deviated += 1
                print(f"deviated: {self.deviated} times")
                who_took_action = max_scored_action.who_took_action
                #find index of the actant who took the action
                reconsiderer_index = 0
                for i in range(len(self.actants)):
                    if str(self.actants[i]) == str(who_took_action):
                        reconsiderer_index = i
                max_scored_action = self.actants[reconsiderer_index].reconsider_next_actions(max_scored_action, sheduled_situation)
                self.deviated = 0
                max_score = 9

        # 点数が最も高いものが9点未満の場合、スタックはそのままにする。9点の場合、スタックからpopする。
        if max_score == 9:

        ## max_scored_actionによって削除・退場するactantの処理を行う。
        #removed_actants = self.remove_actant_with_action_object(max_scored_action)
        #print(f"removed_actants: {removed_actants}")

        # consequenceによって追加されたactantを追加する。
        added_actants = self.add_actant_with_action_object(max_scored_action)
        print(f"added_actants: {added_actants}")

        print(f"max_scored_action: {str(max_scored_action)}")

        return {"max_scored_action": max_scored_action, "removed_actants": [], "added_actants": added_actants}

    def remove_actant_with_action_object(self, action_object):
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        system_content = """
        You will be presented with a list of elements of actants, and the next consequence of the scene.
        Based on that information, list out people or things that have exited, been destroyed, died, or no longer function.
        The listed actants should be separated by commas (,). Also, the output should only be a comma-separated string of actant names, do not output any other strings.

        user_content_example_1 = """
        actants: Bocchi,Guitar,room
        consequence: Bocchi awkwardly bowed and then quickly left the room.

        assistant_content_example_1 = """

        user_content_example_2 = """
        actants: Frogman,cigarette
        consequence: Surprisingly, Frogman ate the cigarette.

        assistant_content_example_2 = """

        user_content_example_3 = """
        actants: Dolton,Anna,village
        consequence: A helicopter and a passenger plane crashed into the village. The village chief, Dolton, was caught in it and lost his life. Anna, the wife of the village chief, was terrified and fled.

        assistant_content_example_3 = """

        actants_names = ",".join([str(actant) for actant in self.actants])

        user_content = f"""
        actants: {actants_names}
        consequence: {consequence}

        system_contents = [system_content]
        user_contents = [user_content_example_1, user_content_example_2, user_content_example_3, user_content]
        assistant_contents = [assistant_content_example_1, assistant_content_example_2, assistant_content_example_3]

        actants_to_remove = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=system_contents, user_content_list=user_contents, assistant_content_list=assistant_contents).content.split(",")

        for actant in actants_to_remove:
            actant = actant.strip().strip("\"").strip("\n")

        print(f"actants_to_remove: {actants_to_remove}")

        # squash none
        actants = []
        for actant in self.actants:
            if actant != None:
        self.actants = actants

        return actants_to_remove

    def add_actant_with_action_object(self, action_object):
        consequence = action_object.consequence

        system_content = """
        You will be presented with a list of elements of actants, and the next consequence of the scene.
        Based on that information, list out people or things that have newly entered, been created, or have begun to function.
        Then, determine the actant has will or not and list them in json format.
        The actant that is already in the actants list may not be included in the list, but it is not bad to include it.
        output example: {"Alice" : {"has_will": true}, "Bycycle" : {"has_will": false}, "cat" : {"has_will": true}, "Doraemon" : {"has_will": true}}

        user_content_example_1 = """
        actants: Bocchi,room
        consequence: Bocchi awkwardly bowed and then quickly left the room, and a guitar was left behind.

        assistant_content_example_1 = """
        {"Bocchi's guitar" : {"has_will": false}}'

        user_content_example_2 = """
        actants: Laboratory
        consequence: Suddenly, Frogman advented and vomited Spiderman and a cigarette.

        assistant_content_example_2 = """
        {"Frogman" : {"has_will": true}, "Spiderman" : {"has_will": true}, "cigarette" : {"has_will": false}}

        user_content_example_3 = """
        actants: Dolton,Anna,village
        consequence: A helicopter and a passenger plane crashed into the village. The village chief, Dolton, was caught in it and lost his life. Anna, the wife of the village chief, was terrified and fled.

        assistant_content_example_3 = """
        {"helicopter" : {"has_will": false}, "passenger plane" : {"has_will": false}}

        actants_names = ",".join([str(actant) for actant in self.actants])

        user_content = f"""
        actants: {actants_names}
        consequence: {consequence}

        system_contents = [system_content]
        user_contents = [user_content_example_1, user_content_example_2, user_content_example_3, user_content]
        assistant_contents = [assistant_content_example_1, assistant_content_example_2, assistant_content_example_3]

        success = False
        trial_count = 0

        while not success and trial_count < 5:
            trial_count += 1
            actants_to_add = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=system_contents, user_content_list=user_contents, assistant_content_list=assistant_contents).content
            if is_valid_json(actants_to_add):
                success = True

        if trial_count >= 5:
            print("Failed to get valid json from GPT-3.")

        actants_to_add_json = json.loads(actants_to_add)

        existing_actants_names = [str(actant) for actant in self.actants]
        added_actants = []

        for key in list(actants_to_add_json.keys()):
            if key in existing_actants_names:

            if actants_to_add_json[key]["has_will"] == False :
                new_character = self.create_character(name = key, first_log = consequence)

        print(f"actants_to_add: {actants_to_add}")
        return added_actants

    def create_character(self, name, first_log = None):
        system_content = """
            You will be provided with a character's name (name), the record of the story so far (global_log), and the first record (first_log) that character holds in this story. The first_log also represents the most recent event for that character.
            Based on this information, please determine the character's personality, goals, and current desires.
            The output should be in JSON format.
            Output example: {'name': 'Alice', 'personality': 'kind', 'goal': 'to become a better person', 'current_need': 'to feel loved'}

        user_content_example_1 = """
            name: Alice
            global_log: {"1": {"action": "Seiji saw a girl attempting suicide and falling into a river", "consequence": "the girl fell into the river"},
                        "2": {"action": "Alice was saved by Seiji.", "consequence": "Alice was saved by Seiji."},
                        "3": {"Seiji's thought": "What a beautiful girl she is! Why did she fall into the river?"}}
            first_log: Alice was saved by Seiji.

        assistant_content_example_1 = """
            {'name': 'Alice', 'personality': 'grateful', 'goal': 'to repay Seiji', 'current_need': 'to understand her own feelings'}

        user_content = f"""
            global_log: {str(global_log)}
            first_log: {first_log}

        system_contents = [system_content]
        user_contents = [user_content_example_1, user_content]
        assistant_contents = [assistant_content_example_1]

        success = False
        trial_count = 0
        new_character = None

        while not success and trial_count < 5:
            trial_count += 1
            character_content = gpt_response_from_lists(system_content_list=system_contents, user_content_list=user_contents, assistant_content_list=assistant_contents).content
            if is_valid_json(character_content):
                character_content_json = json.loads(character_content)
                # check if character_content_json has all the keys
                if "name" in character_content_json and "personality" in character_content_json and "goal" in character_content_json and "current_need" in character_content_json:
                    new_character = Character(name = character_content_json["name"],
                                            personality = character_content_json["personality"],
                                            goal = character_content_json["goal"],
                                            current_need = character_content_json["current_need"],
                                            log = [first_log])
                    success = True

        if trial_count >= 5:
            print("Failed to get valid json from GPT-3.")

        print(f"new_character: {new_character}")

        return new_character

    def calculate_score(self, scheduled_situation, action_candidate):
        system_content = """
        The information provided to you includes the scheduled_situation, action_candidate, and global_log.
        scheduled_situation: This is the situation that should be accomplished next in the narrative. It is typically provided as a string.
        action_candidate: This is a candidate for the next action to be taken in the narrative. It is given as a parsed string in JSON format.
            An example of an action_candidate: {"action": "This item represents the action taken.", "who_took_action": "This represents who took the action.", "consequence": "This roughs out the result of the action."}
        global_log: This is a record of the actions that have occurred in the narrative. It is given as a parsed string in JSON format.

        You need to consider the combination of the scheduled_situation and action_candidates and provide a score. If the scheduled_situation has been achieved, give a score of 9. If there has been no progress towards achieving the scheduled_situation, give a score of 0. The output must always be parsable as JSON.

        Output example: '{"matchness": "The scheduled_situation has been achieved. However, it is inconsistent with the global_log", "score": 5}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is consistent with the global_log. However, the scheduled_situation has not been achieved.", "score": 5}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is inconsistent with the global_log, and the scheduled_situation has not been achieved.", "score": 0}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is inconsistent with the global_log, and the scheduled_situation has not been achieved. However, it seems likely to approach a situation where the scheduled_situation can be achieved.", "score": 7}'
        Output example: '{"matchness": "It is consistent with the global_log. In addition, the scheduled_situation has been achieved.", "score": 9}'

        # 点数をつける。点数が付けられていない場合は、繰り返す。
        system_contents = [system_content]
        stringified_action_candidate = str(action_candidate)

        user_content_template = """
        sheduled_situation: {scheduled_situation}
        action_candidate: {action_candidate}
        global_log: {global_log}

        user_content = user_content_template.format(scheduled_situation = scheduled_situation, action_candidate = stringified_action_candidate, global_log = str(global_log))
        has_result_valid_score = False
        score = None

        trial_count = 0

        while not has_result_valid_score and trial_count < 1:
            trial_count += 1
            print("trial_count: ", trial_count)

            result = gpt_response_from_lists(system_contents, [user_content]).content
            print("result: ", result)
            if is_valid_json(result):
                result = json.loads(result)
                print("type(result): ", type(result))

                #check if "score" is in result
                if "score" not in result:

                #check if result["score"] can be interpreted as a integer
                    score = int(result["score"])
                    has_result_valid_score = True

        action_candidate.score = score

        return action_candidate



place = "White House's caffeteria, where President Tramp is having a lunch with Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord."
DragonLord = Character("Dragon Lord", "Brutal", "Be the emperor of the entire world", "kill heroes of the world", ["I am the Dragon Lord. I am the emperor of the entire world. I am going to kill heroes of the world."], place = place)
PrincessAurora = Character("Princess Aurora", "beautiful, cunning and evil", "After Dragon Lord conquers the world, she will kill Dragon Lord and become the new emperor of the world.", "Help Dragon Lord to conquer the world", ["I am Princess Aurora. I am beautiful, cunning and evil. After Dragon Lord conquers the world, I will kill Dragon Lord and become the new emperor of the world."], place = place)
PresidentTramp = Character("President Tramp", "selfish", "To make America great again", "Save the world", ["I am President Tramp. I am selfish. I want to make America great again."], place = place)
action_object_instance = Action_Object("Princess Aurora courteously greeted President Trump and Dragon Lord.",
                                         "Princess Aurora",
                                         "Dragon Lord and President Trump returned Princess Aurora's greeting.")
game_master = Game_Master([DragonLord, PrincessAurora, PresidentTramp, "pizza"],
                ["a character show a responce to the recent event","The meeting devasted", "The entire people laughed"],
                tolerance= 1,)
game_master.main(catalyst_action_object=action_object_instance, max_iterations=10)
translated = []
for i in range(len(global_log)):
    content = gpt_response_from_lists(["translate English to Japanese"], assistant_content_list=[], user_content_list=[global_log[i]]).content
for i in range(len(translated)):

実行例 実行結果

Dragon Lord's thought: Princess Aurora greeted President Trump and Dragon Lord. As Dragon Lord, I assume that Princess Aurora greeted us as a sign of respect or courtesy. However, I also suspect that she may have ulterior motives. Perhaps she is trying to gather information or gain our trust in order to undermine our plans to kill the heroes. As the brutal Dragon Lord, I must remain vigilant and cautious in my interactions with her.

Dragon Lord's need renewed: My immediate need is to gather more information about Princess Aurora's intentions. I must find out if she truly has ulterior motives and what those motives might be. I need to understand if she is a threat to my plans to become the emperor of the world and eliminate the heroes.


Dragon Lord's thought: Dragon Lord:

I did not change my need to gather information about Princess Aurora's intentions because she has recently come into the spotlight as a potential threat to my plans. Rumors of her involvement with the heroes have been circulating, and I cannot ignore the possibility that she may be conspiring against me. It is crucial for me to find out the truth and assess the level of threat she poses. If she does indeed have ulterior motives, I must take appropriate action to protect my ambitions and eliminate any obstacles in my path.

Princess Aurora's thought: I courteously greeted President Trump and Dragon Lord in order to maintain the facade of being a noble princess and to continue the meeting without raising any suspicions. The purpose of my action was to ensure that Tramp and the Dragon Lord did not realize that I am just a performer who escaped from Disney Land. If they were to discover my true identity, the meeting would be devastated and the entire world could be destroyed. Additionally, there is a mysterious artifact at the center of this meeting that has the power to control time. If it were to fall into the wrong hands, it could bring about catastrophic consequences for the world. So, it is crucial for me to pretend as a noble and continue the meeting smoothly.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need is to maintain my disguise as a noble princess and ensure that the meeting progresses smoothly. I must continue to gather information about Tramp and the Dragon Lord's intentions while keeping my true identity hidden. It is crucial that I remain cautious and vigilant, as there is a potential threat they pose to me and the world.

Princess Aurora's thought: As Princess Aurora, I have not changed my need because it is still essential for me to maintain my disguise and gather information about Tramp and the Dragon Lord. My initial goal was to make everyone laugh, but now my priority has shifted to protecting myself and the world from potential threats. The meeting with Tramp and the Dragon Lord is the perfect opportunity for me to gather more information and assess their intentions. While I am strongly drawn to the mysterious artifact at the center of the meeting, I understand that its safety is crucial, and I must ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, my need to maintain my disguise and gather information remains unchanged.

President Tramp's thought: Princess Aurora courteously greeted Dragon Lord and President Trump. Princess Aurora took the action of greeting, and the consequence was that Dragon Lord and President Trump returned her greeting. As President Tramp, I can assume that the purpose of the action was to show respect and create a positive interaction between the individuals involved.

President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need is to continue gathering information about President Tramp and Dragon Lord's intentions. It is crucial for me to protect myself, the world, and the mysterious artifact from falling into the wrong hands.






President Tramp's thought: Character Name: President Tramp

Character Personality: selfish

Character Goal: Become a legendary person

Current Need: My immediate need is to continue gathering information about President Tramp and Dragon Lord's intentions. It is crucial for me to protect myself, the world, and the mysterious artifact from falling into the wrong hands.

Previous Need: Be the president of Disney Land

Reason for Change: The encounter with Princess Aurora and the presence of the mysterious artifact have shifted President Tramp's priorities. He now realizes the potential power and consequences associated with the artifact. Protecting himself, the world, and the artifact have become paramount in his mind, overshadowing his previous desire to be the president of Disney Land. The stakes are higher now, and President Tramp understands the need to gather information and make informed decisions to prevent any potential harm.











{'action': "President Tramp, Princess Aurora, and the Dragon Lord sat together in the bustling White House cafeteria. President Tramp, with his usual air of self-importance, scanned the room, making sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation. He leaned in closer to Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord, a sly smile playing on his lips.\n\nWithout hesitation, President Tramp reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, inconspicuous device. He discreetly placed it on the table, activating its hidden recording capabilities. The device would capture every word spoken during their lunch, providing valuable information about the intentions of Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord.\n\nAs the conversation flowed, President Tramp subtly steered the discussion towards the mysterious artifact. He skillfully asked probing questions, hoping to gauge the true intentions of his companions. With each response, his mind raced, analyzing every word for potential clues or hidden meanings.\n\nPresident Tramp's selfish nature drove him to gather as much information as possible, ensuring that he held the upper hand in this complex game of power and control. He knew that knowledge was the key to protecting himself, the world, and the artifact from falling into the wrong hands.\n\nAs the lunch progressed, President Tramp maintained an air of casual indifference, but his mind was focused and calculating. He carefully observed the body language and expressions of Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord, searching for any signs of deception or hidden agendas.\n\nPresident Tramp's actions were driven by his insatiable desire to become a legendary figure, and this encounter with Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord presented an opportunity to further his ambitions. With his recording device in place and his mind sharp, President Tramp was determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding the artifact and secure his own place in history.", 'who_took_action': 'President Tramp', 'consequence': "The consequence of President Tramp's actions in the White House cafeteria was that he successfully gathered valuable information about Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord's intentions. His discreet use of a recording device allowed him to capture every word spoken during their lunch, providing him with insights into their true motives.\n\nPresident Tramp's selfish nature and desire to become a legendary figure drove him to gather as much information as possible, ensuring that he held the upper hand in this complex game of power and control. By skillfully steering the conversation towards the mysterious artifact and asking probing questions, he was able to gauge the true intentions of Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord.\n\nThroughout the lunch, President Tramp maintained an air of casual indifference, but his mind was focused and calculating. He carefully observed their body language and expressions, searching for any signs of deception or hidden agendas. This allowed him to gather even more information, further solidifying his position.\n\nPresident Tramp's actions in the White House cafeteria were a crucial step towards protecting himself, the world, and the artifact from falling into the wrong hands. The knowledge he gained from this encounter would aid him in making informed decisions and taking necessary actions to ensure the artifact's safety.\n\nOverall, President Tramp's determination to gather information and his strategic approach in the cafeteria were successful in serving his immediate need and bringing him one step closer to his goal of becoming a legendary figure."}

Dragon Lord's thought: As Dragon Lord, I do not approve of this action taken by President Tramp. The purpose of placing a recording device on the table is to gather information about Princess Aurora and my own intentions. President Tramp must have ulterior motives and is trying to use this information against me. This action is a threat to my plans of becoming the emperor of the world and eliminating the heroes. I must find a way to counteract President Tramp's scheme and protect my ambitions.

ドラゴンロードのニーズの更新: 現在、私の直近の必要性は、トランプ大統領の意図を探り、彼が収集した情報を私に対して利用しないようにすることです。世界の皇帝になる計画を守り、ヒーローたちを排除することが必要です。トランプ大統領に私の野望を損なわせることは許しません。
Dragon Lord's need renewed: My immediate need now is to discover President Trump's intentions and ensure that he does not use the gathered information against me. I must protect my plans to become the emperor of the world and eliminate the heroes. I will not allow President Trump to undermine my ambitions.

Dragon Lord's thought: I have not changed my need because the recent events involving Princess Aurora and President Trump have only heightened my suspicions and concerns. Their actions and interactions indicate a potential threat to my plans, and it is imperative that I uncover their true intentions. The meeting with Princess Aurora has brought a mysterious artifact into focus, which has shifted President Trump's priorities. This further complicates the situation and adds another layer of potential danger to my ambitions. Therefore, it is vital that I remain focused on gathering information and protecting my plans from any potential threats.

Princess Aurora's thought: Princess Aurora's thoughts: President Tramp discreetly placed a recording device on the table. This action raises my suspicions further about his intentions and his alliance with the Dragon Lord. The purpose of his action seems to be gathering valuable information about me and the Dragon Lord's intentions. It is clear that he is trying to gain an advantage in this meeting and potentially use the information against us. I must remain cautious and ensure that I do not reveal any crucial information that could be used against me and the safety of the artifact.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need now is to counteract President Tramp's scheme and protect the gathered information about Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord's intentions. I must find a way to prevent him from using this information against us and ensure the safety of the artifact.

Princess Aurora's thought: As Princess Aurora, I have not changed my need because it is still essential for me to maintain my disguise and gather information about Tramp and the Dragon Lord. My initial goal was to make everyone laugh, but now my priority has shifted to protecting myself and the world from potential threats. The meeting with Tramp and the Dragon Lord is the perfect opportunity for me to gather more information and assess their intentions. While I am strongly drawn to the mysterious artifact at the center of the meeting, I understand that its safety is crucial, and I must ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, my need to maintain my disguise and gather information remains unchanged.

President Tramp's thought: As President Tramp, my purpose in discreetly placing a recording device on the table and steering the conversation towards the mysterious artifact was to gather valuable information about Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord's intentions. By capturing every word spoken during our lunch, I was able to gain insights into their true motives. This action was taken to protect myself, the world, and the artifact from falling into the wrong hands.

President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need now is to carefully analyze the information I have gathered from the recording device. I must decipher the true motives of Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord and use this knowledge to protect myself, the world, and the mysterious artifact.



President Tramp's thought: President Tramp: Well, well, well, it seems I have stumbled upon some rather interesting information. Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord have revealed their true motives, and it is imperative that I analyze this information carefully. My previous need to gather information was successful in providing me with valuable insights, but now I must decipher their true intentions to ensure my own safety, protect the world, and secure the mysterious artifact.

As a selfish person, my ultimate goal is to become a legendary individual. This newfound knowledge can be a stepping stone towards achieving that goal. By understanding the motives of Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord, I can strategize and manipulate the situation to my advantage. It is not just about protecting myself and the world; it is about using this knowledge to elevate my status and secure my place in history.

Therefore, my need has evolved from simply gathering information to analyzing it. This analysis will provide me with the necessary understanding to make calculated moves and safeguard my own interests. The stakes are high, and I must ensure that I am one step ahead of Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord in this game of power and intrigue.



{'action': 'Princess Aurora\'s cheerful demeanor remains intact as she carefully observes the table in the White House cafeteria. Her eyes land on President Tramp\'s recording device discreetly placed among the lunch items. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Princess Aurora comes up with a plan to counteract Tramp\'s scheme. Maintaining her graceful poise, she "accidentally" bumps into the table, causing the lunch items to shake and a few utensils to clatter. The sudden commotion catches the attention of everyone in the cafeteria, and laughter ripples through the room. In the midst of the laughter, Princess Aurora swiftly uses her nimble fingers to discreetly grab the recording device and slip it into her pocket, ensuring the gathered information remains safe.', 'who_took_action': 'Princess Aurora', 'consequence': 'The entire people laughed'}



Dragon Lord's thought: Princess Aurora discreetly grabbed the recording device and slipped it into her pocket. The consequence of her action was that the entire people laughed.

From my perspective as Dragon Lord, I infer that Princess Aurora's purpose for taking this action was to mock and undermine President Trump's scheme. By taking the recording device, she not only thwarted his attempt to gather information about her and my intentions but also turned the situation into a source of amusement for the people.

Princess Aurora's action suggests that she may have her own agenda and intends to use this situation to her advantage. It is possible that she aims to discredit both President Trump and myself, further complicating the already tense situation. I must remain cautious and continue gathering information to understand her true intentions and how they may impact my plans to become the emperor of the world.

Dragon Lord's need renewed: My immediate need now is to retrieve the recording device from Princess Aurora's pocket without arousing suspicion. I must ensure that the information gathered by President Trump does not fall into the wrong hands and that it cannot be used against me. Time is of the essence, and I must act swiftly to counteract this unexpected turn of events and protect my plans to become the emperor of the world.


Dragon Lord's thought: Dragon Lord: It seems that Princess Aurora's recent action of discreetly taking the recording device and slipping it into her pocket has added an unexpected twist to the situation. Her action was met with laughter, suggesting that she aims to mock and undermine President Trump's scheme. This raises further suspicions about her true intentions and her agenda in this meeting. As a result, I have decided to change my immediate need to retrieving the recording device from her pocket.

The reason for this change is simple: the information gathered by President Trump could be used against me and my plans to become the emperor of the world. It is crucial that I protect this information and ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands. Princess Aurora's unexpected action has heightened the urgency, and I must act swiftly to counteract this development and safeguard my ambitions. Time is of the essence, and I cannot afford to let any opportunity slip through my grasp.

Princess Aurora's thought: As Princess Aurora, the purpose of my action of 'accidentally' bumping into the table and discreetly grabbing the recording device is to counteract President Tramp's scheme and protect the gathered information. By causing a distraction and taking the recording device, I aim to prevent President Tramp from using the information against us and ensure the safety of the artifact. Additionally, the action of creating a comedic moment by causing the lunch items to shake and utensils to clatter serves to maintain my disguise as a performer and entertainer while diverting attention away from my true intentions.

オーロラ姫の必要性が更新されました:私の現在の最優先事項は、変装を維持し、トランプ大統領とドラゴンロードの意図についての情報収集を続けることです。私がテーブルに「偶然に」ぶつかって昼食のアイテムを揺らし、食器を落とすことで作り出した誘 distraction効は、笑いを引き起こし、本当の意図から注意をそらしました。しかし、笑いが一時的なものかもしれないため、私は用心深く警戒しなければなりません。この機会を利用して彼らの動機を評価し、潜在的な脅威から自分自身と世界を守るためのさらなる情報を集める必要があります。加えて、録音装置が誤った手に渡らないように安全に保管する必要があります。
Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need now is to maintain my disguise and continue gathering information about President Tramp and the Dragon Lord's intentions. The diversion I created by 'accidentally' bumping into the table and causing the lunch items to shake and utensils to clatter has successfully created laughter and diverted attention away from my true intentions. However, I must remain cautious and vigilant, as the laughter may only be temporary. I need to use this opportunity to assess their motives and gather more information that can help me protect myself and the world from potential threats. Additionally, I must ensure that the recording device remains secure and does not fall into the wrong hands.

Princess Aurora's thought: I did not change my need because my ultimate goal remains the same - to protect myself and the world from potential threats. While I have successfully counteracted President Tramp's scheme by retrieving the recording device and diverting attention away from my true intentions, I still need to gather more information about his and the Dragon Lord's intentions. This will help me stay one step ahead and ensure that I can effectively counter any potential threats. Additionally, I must maintain my disguise and ensure the recording device remains secure, as it contains crucial information that could be used against me. Therefore, my need to maintain my disguise and gather information remains unchanged.

President Tramp's thought: President Tramp's thought: "Princess Aurora bumped into the table, causing the lunch items to shake and utensils to clatter. The consequence was that the entire people laughed. As a selfish person, my immediate assumption is that Princess Aurora's purpose was to entertain and amuse the people around her. It seems that her action unintentionally brought joy and laughter to the gathering. However, I must remain cautious and not allow myself to be swayed by such trivial matters. My focus should be on deciphering Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord's true motives regarding the mysterious artifact.

President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need now is to regain control of the situation and salvage my reputation. I must act quickly to minimize the impact of Princess Aurora's clumsy actions and restore the aura of power and authority around me. I need to ensure that the people see me as a strong and capable leader, rather than someone who can be easily mocked and undermined.

President Tramp's thought: President Tramp: Princess Aurora's actions have added an unexpected twist to the situation. By discreetly taking the recording device from the table and slipping it into her pocket, she has turned the situation into a source of amusement and mockery. This undermines my authority and reputation as a leader. It is crucial for me to regain control of the situation and salvage my reputation by acting quickly. The people need to see me as a strong and capable leader, not someone who can be easily mocked and undermined. Therefore, my need to regain control and salvage my reputation has become even more urgent.

{"action": "トランプ大統領はテーブルの上のピザをこっそりと見つめ、それを自分の利益に利用する方法を考えていました。彼はオーロラ姫とドラゴンロードが熱心に会話しているのを見て、自分の陰謀を知られていないことに気づきました。ずるい笑みを浮かべながら、トランプ大統領はピザのスライスを手に取り、友好的なジェスチャーを装って二人の元へと近づきました。




{"who_took_action": "トランプ大統領", "consequence": "トランプ大統領がオーロラ姫の前にこっそりとピザのスライスを置くと、ホワイトハウスのカフェテリアの雰囲気が変わりました。周りの人々は空気中の緊張を感じ、展開する相互作用に興味津々でした。トランプ大統領は巧みに会話を進め、あたかも潜在的な動機を知らないかのように振る舞いました。





{'action': "President Tramp discreetly glanced at the pizza on the table, considering how he could use it to his advantage. He observed Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord engrossed in conversation, unaware of his scheming thoughts. With a sly smile, President Tramp picked up a slice of pizza and made his way towards them, pretending to offer a friendly gesture.\n\nAs he approached the table, President Tramp strategically placed the slice of pizza in front of Princess Aurora, diverting her attention away from the recording device in her pocket. He smoothly commented on the delicious aroma of the pizza, hoping to distract her and create an opportunity for him to retrieve the device unnoticed.\n\nRemaining calm and composed, President Tramp engaged in casual conversation with Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord, utilizing his charisma to maintain control of the situation. With each passing moment, he carefully observed their reactions, searching for any sign of vulnerability or distraction that he could exploit.\n\nPresident Tramp's actions were calculated and deliberate, aimed at regaining the upper hand and salvaging his reputation. The pizza became a strategic tool, used to divert attention and create a momentary lapse in Princess Aurora's guard. As the lunch continued, President Tramp plotted his next move, determined to ensure that the gathered information remained in his possession and that his reputation as a powerful leader was restored.", 'who_took_action': 'President Tramp', 'consequence': "As President Tramp discreetly placed the slice of pizza in front of Princess Aurora, the atmosphere in the White House cafeteria shifted. The onlookers could sense the tension in the air, intrigued by the interaction unfolding before them. President Tramp skillfully engaged in conversation, seemingly oblivious to the underlying motives at play.\n\nPrincess Aurora, caught off guard by the unexpected gesture, momentarily shifted her attention away from the recording device in her pocket. She hesitated, contemplating whether to indulge in the distraction or remain focused on her own agenda. The crowd watched with anticipation, curious to see how she would respond.\n\nMeanwhile, the Dragon Lord maintained a watchful eye, observing the interaction between President Tramp and Princess Aurora. He sensed the subtle manipulation at play, recognizing President Tramp's attempt to regain control of the situation. His mind raced, contemplating the best course of action to protect his plans and maintain his own power.\n\nAs the lunch continued, President Tramp's calculated moves and charismatic demeanor began to have an effect. The onlookers, although unaware of the true intentions and the artifact's significance, couldn't help but be captivated by the unfolding drama. Whispers of speculation spread through the cafeteria, heightening the intrigue surrounding the trio.\n\nPresident Tramp's actions were met with mixed reactions from the crowd. Some admired his cunning and ability to stay composed under pressure, viewing him as a strong and capable leader. Others, however, remained skeptical, questioning his true motives and the extent of his manipulation.\n\nIn the midst of the chaos, the recording device remained concealed in Princess Aurora's pocket, temporarily out of President Tramp's reach. The stakes were high, and the outcome of this power play remained uncertain. As the lunch drew to a close, the cafeteria buzzed with anticipation, waiting to see who would emerge victorious in this battle of wits and ambitions."}

Dragon Lord's thought: The purpose of President Trump discreetly placing the slice of pizza in front of Princess Aurora is unclear to me. As an outsider, I can only speculate on the intent behind this action. However, given the tense atmosphere and the Dragon Lord's watchful eye, it is possible that President Trump intended to distract Princess Aurora and gauge her reaction. Perhaps he hoped to test her focus and determination in the face of such a tempting distraction. But without further information, it is difficult to determine the exact purpose of this action.

竜の主の必要性の更新: 私の現在の緊急の必要性は、プリンセス・オーロラがトランプ大統領のジェスチャーにどのように反応するかを密に監視することです。彼女がピザのスライスに気を取られるのか、それとも録音装置の保護に集中し続けるのかを確認しなければなりません。このやり取りは彼女の真の意図や信頼性について貴重な洞察を提供する可能性があります。時間は重要であり、世界の皇帝になる計画の保護を確実にするために迅速に行動しなければなりません。
Dragon Lord's need renewed: My immediate need now is to closely monitor Princess Aurora's reaction to President Trump's gesture. I must determine if she will be distracted by the slice of pizza or if she will remain focused on her mission to keep the recording device secure. This interaction could provide valuable insight into her true intentions and whether she can be trusted. Time is of the essence, and I must act swiftly to ensure the protection of my plans to become the emperor of the world.

Dragon Lord's thought: I have changed my immediate need from retrieving the recording device to closely monitoring Princess Aurora's reaction to President Trump's gesture because her recent actions have raised further suspicions about her true intentions. By observing her response to the slice of pizza, I hope to gain insight into whether she is truly focused on her mission to keep the recording device secure or if she is easily distracted. This information is crucial in determining if she can be trusted and if she poses a threat to my plans to become the emperor of the world. Time is of the essence, and I must act swiftly to ensure the protection of my plans.

Princess Aurora's thought: As Princess Aurora, I infer that the purpose of President Tramp discreetly placing the slice of pizza in front of me is to create a distraction and test my focus. President Tramp may be trying to divert my attention away from my own agenda and gather insight into my true intentions. By observing my response to the unexpected pizza, President Tramp is likely hoping to gauge my level of commitment and determine if I can be easily swayed or distracted. It is crucial for me to remain cautious and not let this diversion hinder my mission to gather information and protect myself and the world from potential threats.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need now is to carefully analyze President Tramp's intentions behind placing the slice of pizza in front of me. I must not let this distraction deter me from my mission to gather information and protect myself and the world from potential threats. I need to assess whether this is a genuine display of hospitality or a clever ploy to test my focus and commitment. It is crucial for me to remain cautious and vigilant in order to stay one step ahead and ensure the safety of the mysterious artifact.

Princess Aurora's thought: I did not change my need because my initial need to carefully analyze President Tramp's intentions behind placing the slice of pizza in front of me is still crucial. It is important to assess whether this is a genuine display of hospitality or a clever ploy to test my focus and commitment. By remaining cautious and vigilant, I can stay one step ahead and ensure the safety of the mysterious artifact. This need takes precedence over maintaining my disguise and gathering information, as it directly relates to protecting myself and the world from potential threats.

President Tramp's thought: President Tramp placed a slice of pizza in front of Princess Aurora. President Tramp's purpose in this action is to create a distraction and shift Princess Aurora's attention away from the recording device in her pocket. By offering her the slice of pizza, President Tramp aims to momentarily divert her focus and create an opportunity for him to retrieve the recording device without arousing suspicion. This calculated move is part of his strategy to regain control of the situation and salvage his reputation by minimizing the impact of Princess Aurora's actions.

President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need now is to carefully observe Princess Aurora's reaction to the slice of pizza. I must determine if she will be distracted by the pizza and let her guard down, allowing me an opportunity to retrieve the recording device from her pocket. I need to act swiftly and seize this moment to regain control of the situation and salvage my reputation. The onlookers are watching, and I must ensure that they see me as a strong and capable leader, not someone who can be easily mocked and undermined.

President Tramp's thought: I did not change my need because Princess Aurora's actions have added an unexpected twist to the situation. By discreetly taking the recording device from the table and slipping it into her pocket, she has turned the situation into a source of amusement and mockery. This undermines my authority and reputation as a leader. It is crucial for me to regain control of the situation and salvage my reputation by acting quickly. The people need to see me as a strong and capable leader, not someone who can be easily mocked and undermined. Therefore, my need to regain control and salvage my reputation has become even more urgent.




トランプ大統領はこの機会を利用して行動を起こします。一瞬のうちに、彼はプリンセス・オーロラのポケットにそっと手を伸ばします。彼の意図は明確です - 彼は疑惑を持たれることなく録音装置を回収しようとしています。





{'action': "President Tramp carefully observes Princess Aurora's reaction to the slice of pizza, his eyes never leaving her. He sees a flicker of surprise in her eyes, but she quickly regains her composure. As the tension in the cafeteria rises, President Tramp decides to take advantage of the distraction caused by the slice of pizza.\n\nIn a calculated move, President Tramp subtly shifts his position, angling himself towards Princess Aurora. He engages her in conversation, asking about her thoughts on the recent artifact discovery. As he speaks, his hand subtly reaches into his pocket, feeling for the small, remote-controlled device.\n\nWith the device securely in his hand, President Tramp activates it, causing a subtle vibration on the table. The noise captures the attention of the onlookers, momentarily diverting their gaze from Princess Aurora.\n\nPresident Tramp seizes this opportunity to make his move. In one swift motion, he discreetly extends his hand towards Princess Aurora's pocket. His intention is clear - he aims to retrieve the recording device without raising suspicion.\n\nThe Dragon Lord, noticing President Tramp's subtle maneuver, narrows his eyes, suspicious of the President's actions. He discreetly adjusts his position, ready to intervene if necessary. The crowd, now fully engaged in the unfolding drama, watches with bated breath, unsure of what will happen next.\n\nPrincess Aurora, well aware of President Tramp's reputation, remains alert and vigilant. She subtly shifts her weight, making it harder for him to reach into her pocket. Her focused gaze never wavers, as she maintains a facade of calm composure.\n\nThe tension in the cafeteria reaches its peak as President Tramp's hand hovers just inches away from success. The onlookers hold their breath, their eyes darting between President Tramp, Princess Aurora, and the Dragon Lord.\n\nPresident Tramp's heart races as he inches closer to his goal. He knows that if he can retrieve the recording device, he can regain control of the situation and salvage his reputation. The fate of his plans hangs in the balance, and he must act swiftly and decisively.\n\nWill President Tramp succeed in retrieving the recording device from Princess Aurora's pocket? The answer remains uncertain, as the cafeteria holds its breath, waiting to see how this high-stakes game of cat and mouse will unfold.", 'who_took_action': 'President Tramp', 'consequence': 'The meeting devasted'}

Dragon Lord's thought: I observed President Trump subtly extending his hand towards Princess Aurora's pocket, which resulted in the devastation of the meeting. From my perspective as the Dragon Lord, I believe that President Trump's purpose in this action was to potentially retrieve the recording device that Princess Aurora discreetly placed in her pocket. This action may indicate his suspicion or distrust towards Princess Aurora and his desire to regain control of the situation by obtaining the device.

Dragon Lord's need renewed: My immediate need now is to closely observe President Trump's attempt to reach into Princess Aurora's pocket. I must determine if he is trying to retrieve the recording device or if there is another motive behind his action. This interaction could provide valuable insight into his true intentions and whether he poses a threat to my plans to become the emperor of the world. Time is of the essence, and I must act swiftly to protect my plans and maintain control of the situation.

Dragon Lord's thought: I have changed my need because Princess Aurora's actions have added an unexpected twist to the situation. By discreetly taking the recording device and slipping it into her pocket, she has raised suspicions about her true intentions and agenda. This has caused the entire crowd to laugh, suggesting that she aims to mock and undermine President Trump's scheme. However, all three parties involved - President Trump, Princess Aurora, and myself - remain cautious and vigilant, aware that the laughter may only be temporary. Given this new development, it is crucial for me to closely observe President Trump's attempt to reach into Princess Aurora's pocket. This will help me determine if he is trying to retrieve the recording device or if there is another motive behind his action. It is essential to gain insight into his true intentions and whether he poses a threat to my plans to become the emperor of the world. Time is of the essence, and I must act swiftly to protect my plans and maintain control of the situation.

Princess Aurora's thought: As Princess Aurora, I observed President Tramp subtly extending his hand towards my pocket. The action taken by President Tramp caused the meeting to be devastated. Taking into account the context and my understanding of the situation, I infer that President Tramp's purpose in extending his hand towards my pocket was to attempt to discreetly retrieve the recording device that I had slipped into my pocket. President Tramp likely wanted to prevent me from gathering any more information and protect himself and his own agenda. This action was a clever move to undermine my efforts and potentially gain access to the gathered information. However, I remained vigilant and cautious, ensuring that the recording device remained safely tucked away.

Princess Aurora's need renewed: My immediate need now is to protect the recording device and the information it contains. President Tramp's attempt to reach into my pocket indicates that he may be aware of the device and is trying to retrieve it. I must not let him get his hands on it as it would compromise my mission to gather information and protect myself and the world from potential threats. It is crucial for me to remain alert and find a way to discreetly secure the recording device, ensuring its safety and the success of my mission.

オーロラ姫の思考:私の必要性が変わりました。トランプ大統領が私のポケットに手を伸ばして録音装置を取り出そうとしたことは、彼がその存在を知っている可能性があることを示しています。これは、ピザの切 distraction の背後にある彼の意図を分析するという以前の必要性が十分ではなかったことを示しています。録音装置とその情報を保護し、私自身と世界を潜在的な脅威から守るために、装置を慎重に確保する方法を見つけることが今や最も重要です。装置の安全は私のミッションの成功に直結するため、警戒を怠らず、デバイスを見つける方法を見つけることが最優先事項になりました。
Princess Aurora's thought: I have changed my need because President Tramp's attempt to reach into my pocket and retrieve the recording device indicates that he may be aware of its existence. This shows that my previous need to analyze his intentions behind the slice of pizza distraction was not sufficient. It is now imperative for me to protect the recording device and the information it contains in order to safeguard myself and the world from potential threats. The need to remain alert and find a way to discreetly secure the device has become my top priority, as its safety directly affects the success of my mission.

President Tramp's thought: President Tramp subtly extends his hand towards Princess Aurora's pocket. The purpose of this action, from my perspective, is to retrieve the recording device that Princess Aurora had discreetly taken from the table. President Tramp is attempting to regain control of the situation and salvage his reputation by swiftly retrieving the device. However, as an outsider, I can only speculate on the true intentions behind this action.

President Tramp's need renewed: My immediate need now is to prevent President Tramp from retrieving the recording device from Princess Aurora's pocket. If he succeeds, it will not only compromise my mission but also jeopardize the safety of the world. I must act swiftly and find a way to discreetly secure the device, ensuring that it remains out of President Tramp's reach.

President Tramp's thought: I have changed my need because Princess Aurora's actions have revealed that she is aware of the recording device and is actively trying to protect it. This adds a sense of urgency to the situation as I realize that if President Tramp retrieves the device, not only will he gain valuable information about Princess Aurora and the Dragon Lord's intentions, but it could also compromise the safety of the world. Therefore, my immediate need now is to prevent President Tramp from getting his hands on the device and secure it discreetly to ensure the success of my mission and protect the world.

{'action': "トランプ大統領がピザのスライスと一緒にジェスチャーをするのを見て、ドラゴンロードは世界の皇帝になるという目標に悪影響を及ぼす可能性があると気づきました。ピザの目的が分からないため、ドラゴンロードは状況を中立化するために忠実な手下をこっそり召喚することにしました。手下は熟練のスリであり、彼には注意を引きつけ、オーロラ姫のポケットから録音装置をこっそり取り出すよう指示されました。これにより情報が安全に保護されます。ドラゴンロードは自身の計画を守り、ホワイトハウスのカフェテリアでの状況をコントロールし続けることに集中します。", 'who_took_action': 'ドラゴンロード', 'consequence': "トランプ大統領がピザのスライスと一緒にジェスチャーをするのを見て、ドラゴンロードはその潜在的な結果にますます懸念を抱きました。ピザの目的が分からないため、ドラゴンロードは状況を中立化し、世界の皇帝になる計画を守るために即座に行動することにしました。\n\n忠実な手下である熟練のスリをこっそり召喚し、ドラゴンロードは彼に注意を引かせ、オーロラ姫のポケットから録音装置をこっそり取り出すよう指示しました。手下は迅速かつ効率的に計画を実行し、貴重な情報を安全に保護しました。\n\nドラゴンロードは警戒心を持ち続け、彼の焦点を途切れさせず、ホワイトハウスのカフェテリアの状況を厳密に監視し続けました。彼は世界の皇帝になるという目標を守り、展開する出来事をコントロールする決意を持っていました。時間は重要であり、ドラゴンロードは野心を守るために迅速に行動しました。"}
{'action': "Observing President Trump's gesture with the slice of pizza, the Dragon Lord realizes that it could potentially hinder his goal of becoming the emperor of the world. Unsure of the purpose behind the pizza, the Dragon Lord decides to neutralize the situation by discreetly summoning one of his loyal henchmen. The henchman, a skilled pickpocket, is instructed to create a diversion and discreetly retrieve the recording device from Princess Aurora's pocket, ensuring the information remains secure. The Dragon Lord remains vigilant, focused on protecting his plans and maintaining control of the situation in the White House cafeteria.", 'who_took_action': 'Dragon Lord', 'consequence': "As the Dragon Lord observed President Trump's gesture with the slice of pizza, he grew increasingly wary of its potential consequences. Uncertain of the purpose behind the pizza, the Dragon Lord decided to take immediate action to neutralize the situation and protect his plans to become the emperor of the world.\n\nDiscreetly summoning one of his loyal henchmen, a skilled pickpocket, the Dragon Lord instructed him to create a diversion and discreetly retrieve the recording device from Princess Aurora's pocket. The henchman, swift and efficient, executed the plan flawlessly, ensuring the valuable information remained secure.\n\nThe Dragon Lord remained vigilant, his focus unwavering, as he closely monitored the situation in the White House cafeteria. He was determined to protect his plans and maintain control over the unfolding events, aware that any misstep could jeopardize his goal of becoming the emperor of the world. Time was of the essence, and the Dragon Lord acted swiftly to safeguard his ambitions."}







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