
京成電鉄についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題



Keisei Electric Railway: Connecting Tokyo and Chiba

The Keisei Electric Railway, often simply known as Keisei, serves as a critical link between Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture. It is renowned for its direct access to Narita Airport, making it a preferred choice for travelers. By providing an efficient and relatively cost-effective mode of transportation, Keisei plays a pivotal role in facilitating tourism and business exchanges between these areas. Furthermore, the Skyliner service, which offers a high-speed connection between Narita Airport and Ueno in central Tokyo, exemplifies Keisei's commitment to comfort and speed.

However, this railway network is not without its challenges. During peak hours, trains can become exceedingly crowded, which may deter some passengers seeking a more comfortable travel experience. Moreover, while Keisei offers a viable alternative to the more expensive Narita Express, it competes with other transportation options, including buses and taxis, which can provide door-to-door service. This competition necessitates continuous improvements in service quality and pricing strategies to maintain its market position.

One of the unique aspects of Keisei is its history and contribution to the regional development of Tokyo and Chiba. The railway has not only enhanced connectivity but also played a significant role in the urbanization and economic growth of the areas it serves. For example, the development of commercial and residential areas around its stations has spurred local economies, demonstrating the transformative power of rail infrastructure on regional development.

In summary, the Keisei Electric Railway is more than just a mode of transportation; it is an essential component of the Tokyo-Chiba corridor's economic and social fabric. Despite the challenges of competition and congestion, its historical significance and continued dedication to service improvement underscore its enduring value to the region.


  1. What is the primary advantage of the Keisei Electric Railway mentioned in the passage?
    A) It provides direct access to Narita Airport.
    B) It offers scenic views of Tokyo and Chiba.
    C) It is the only railway service between Tokyo and Chiba.
    D) It offers the lowest prices for all its services.

  2. According to the passage, what is a challenge faced by the Keisei Electric Railway?
    A) It competes with other forms of transportation.
    B) It lacks modern trains.
    C) It does not operate during the night.
    D) It has too many stations, making trips longer.

  3. How has the Keisei Electric Railway contributed to regional development, as mentioned in the passage?
    A) By offering educational tours about the history of Tokyo and Chiba.
    B) By directly reducing the cost of living in Tokyo and Chiba.
    C) By spurring economic growth through the development around its stations.
    D) By providing free travel for local residents.


  1. 回答: A) It provides direct access to Narita Airport.
    解説: 文章は、京成電鉄が成田空港への直通アクセスを提供し、これが旅行者にとって好まれる理由の一つであることを強調しています。

  2. 回答: A) It competes with other forms of transportation.
    解説: 文章には、京成電鉄がバスやタクシーなどの他の交通手段と競争していること、そしてこれがサービスの質と価格戦略の継続的な改善を必要としていることが述べられています。

  3. 回答: C) By spurring economic growth through the development around its stations.
    解説: 文章では、京成電鉄の駅周辺の商業的・住宅的な開発が地元経済を促進し、これが鉄道インフラが地域開発に与える変革力の例であることが示されています。

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