
世界遺産「ニース」についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


The Winter Retreat of British Nobility in Nice, France

For centuries, Nice, France, has been a popular destination for those seeking a reprieve from harsher climates, notably the British nobility who, in the 18th and 19th centuries, flocked to this coastal city during the winter months. The allure of Nice's gentle sunshine and mild winter weather contrasted sharply with the cold, dreary conditions of Britain, making it an ideal escape for the elite. Moreover, the city's vibrant culture and scenic beauty offered a refreshing change of scenery, contributing to its appeal as a winter retreat.

However, this influx of visitors had its downsides as well. The presence of the British nobility and other wealthy tourists led to increased prices in the local area, making life more expensive for the original inhabitants. Additionally, the construction of luxurious villas and hotels to accommodate these seasonal guests altered the landscape and architectural character of Nice, sometimes at the expense of its traditional charm. Despite these changes, Nice continued to thrive as a cosmopolitan hub, attracting artists, writers, and intellectuals drawn by its unique atmosphere and inspiring setting.

Today, Nice remains a beloved destination for travelers from around the world, not just for its historical connection to the British nobility but also for its enduring beauty and cultural richness. The city has managed to preserve its historical sites and natural beauty while evolving into a modern, dynamic destination that honors its past even as it looks to the future. This balance between preservation and progress is perhaps the key to its lasting appeal, ensuring that Nice will continue to enchant visitors for generations to come.


  1. The British nobility were attracted to Nice during the winter months because:
    A) The weather was milder compared to Britain.
    B) They could participate in winter sports.
    C) It was cheaper than staying in Britain.
    D) They were interested in the local cuisine.

  2. What was one of the negative impacts of the British nobility's presence in Nice?
    A) It caused local prices to rise.
    B) It led to the construction of many modern buildings.
    C) It made the city less attractive to other tourists.
    D) It decreased the city's cultural activities.

  3. How has Nice managed to maintain its appeal over the years?
    A) By focusing solely on its historical sites.
    B) By becoming a destination for winter sports.
    C) By balancing the preservation of its heritage with modern development.
    D) By limiting the number of tourists.


  1. 回答: A) The weather was milder compared to Britain
    解説: 英国貴族がニースを冬の保養地として選んだ主な理由は、イギリスと比較して穏やかな冬の気候であったからです。

  2. 回答: A) It caused local prices to rise.
    解説: 英国貴族などの訪問者が増えたことで、地元の物価が上昇し、地元住民の生活費が高くなるという負の影響がありました。

  3. 回答: B) By balancing the preservation of its heritage with modern development.
    解説: ニースが長年にわたって魅力を保ち続けることができたのは、その歴史的な遺産の保存と現代的な発展をバランス良く行ってきたからです。





