
東武鉄道についての英語長文 英検2級 オリジナル問題


Tobu Railway: Connecting Cities and Cultures

Tobu Railway, one of Japan's major private railway companies, has played a significant role in connecting cities and enhancing the cultural exchange between them. Founded in 1897, it operates a vast network of lines primarily in the Kanto region, including Tokyo. One of its most famous routes is the one leading to Nikko, a city renowned for its rich history, breathtaking shrines, and beautiful natural scenery. This route not only facilitates travel for daily commuters but also supports tourism, bringing people closer to the historical and natural wonders of Japan.

However, the very success of Tobu Railway in promoting tourism can sometimes lead to its own set of challenges. For example, during peak travel seasons, trains can become extremely crowded, making the journey less comfortable for both tourists and regular commuters. Additionally, maintaining such an extensive network requires significant investment in infrastructure and rolling stock, which can be a financial burden on the company. Despite these challenges, Tobu Railway continues to innovate, introducing more comfortable and faster trains to improve the travel experience.

Another notable aspect of Tobu Railway is its involvement in real estate and tourism businesses. This diversification allows the company to offer unique experiences to travelers, such as theme parks and shopping complexes near its stations. This strategy not only enhances the appeal of destinations along its lines but also contributes to the local economy by attracting more visitors. Nevertheless, this business model requires constant attention to market trends and consumer preferences, which can be both a risk and an opportunity for the company.

In summary, Tobu Railway serves as a vital link between the bustling cities of the Kanto region and the cultural treasures scattered throughout its countryside. By offering accessible and efficient transportation, it plays a crucial role in promoting tourism and cultural exchange. However, the challenges of overcrowding, maintenance costs, and the need for business diversification highlight the complex nature of operating a major railway network in Japan.


  1. What is one of the challenges Tobu Railway faces due to its success in promoting tourism?
    A) Decreased ticket prices
    B) Overcrowded trains
    C) Reduced service routes
    D) Increased travel times

  2. How does Tobu Railway contribute to the local economy?
    A) By decreasing the number of tourists
    B) By reducing its train services
    C) By attracting more visitors with its real estate and tourism businesses
    D) By limiting access to cultural sites

  3. What strategy has Tobu Railway adopted to enhance the appeal of destinations along its lines?
    A) Decreasing the frequency of trains
    B) Increasing ticket prices
    C) Diversifying into real estate and tourism businesses
    D) Reducing the number of stations


  1. 回答: B) Overcrowded trains
    解説: 東武鉄道が観光を促進することによる課題の一つは、ピーク時には電車が非常に混雑し、観光客と通常の通勤者の両方にとって旅が快適でなくなることです。

  2. 回答: C) By attracting more visitors with its real estate and tourism businesses
    解説: 東武鉄道は、不動産と観光事業への多様化によって、その駅の近くにテーマパークやショッピング複合施設を提供することで地域経済に貢献し、より多くの訪問者を惹きつけます。

  3. 回答: C) Diversifying into real estate and tourism businesses
    解説: 東武鉄道は、不動産と観光事業への多様化を戦略として採用し、その路線沿いの目的地の魅力を高めています。これにより、訪問者にユニークな体験を提供し、地域経済への貢献も促進されます。

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