
Half Decaf..? っていうのは



Half Decaf..?

So you've caught wind of the Half-Caff or Half-Decaf buzz lately and are wondering what's the deal with this "new" trend. While it's not exactly breaking news, it's definitely gaining recognition as more roasters dive in and offer this blend on their shelves. ☕
"Half Decaf" is the cool concoction where regular caffeinated coffee meets its mellow counterpart, decaf. No strict recipe here, but the international understanding is about 50% kick (caffeinated beans) , 50% chill (decaffeinated beans) blend. ⚡☁️


At PostCoffee, we're all about keeping things fresh and exciting. 😎 We roast coffee daily and update our lineup regularly. We gather for cupping sessions several times a week.🥄 It's not just about quality control; it's about leveling up our craft and staying in touch with the current market of the specialty coffee scene in Japan. 🇯🇵 With partners from all over the country (including the island of Okinawa 🏝️), we're lucky to sample a diverse array of coffees, keeping our taste buds inspired.


We are also working with 6 constant international roasters as well as bringing in on-the-spot international drops for special projects. We don’t want to only expand our network; it’s crucial to stay in tune with the ever-evolving trends in the global specialty coffee scene. By tapping into these diverse sources, we're able to stay ahead of the curve, and we keep on studying how preferences shift and what coffee lovers are after worldwide.
Working with roasters from across the world has exposed us to a swirling cloud of creativity and inspired by all the great deals, we've decided to embrace the challenge of crafting a delicious and sweet half-decaf blend. 🧸


I’ve had my eyes for a long time on that concept of a half-decaf blend after I was sent the Power Nap by Onyx Coffee Lab around 2 years ago. 🖤💀 While I do not worry about my caffeine intake (that’s my job after all), I was pleasantly surprised to NOT notice the particular decaf taste that so many people hate and all the opportunities it opens for people who can’t stand that decaf taste but still want/need to reduce their coffee consumption, for health reasons or others. 🤔 They can get their shot and the kick of coffee while keeping their intake low.
Now, you could be making your OWN half-decaf blend obviously. At PostCoffee, we wanted to add it in our lineup; it is exclusively for the online shop and not part of the subscription. We had in mind that this coffee doesn’t have to be delicious, we wanted a blend that can be drunk daily, as you’d drink your morning cup or post-lunch coffee. No matter how many cups, you don’t get tired of it so it’s easy to consume throughout the day.
It’s a blend of Ethiopia beans, natural process and Mountain Water decaffeination process. As for our first Half Decaf Blend, the coffee team wanted to bring out a touch of sweetness and warm feeling; it’s your companion for the day. ☁️

私は2年前に[Onyx Coffee Lab]から送られてきたハーフデカフェブレンドである「Power Nap」というコーヒーを試した際に、ハーフデカフェにすることでデカフェ特有の味わいを感じなかったことに驚きました。以降、ハーフデカフェブレンドというコンセプトに長い間、注目していました。このブレンドは健康上の理由や少量のコーヒーでも眠れなくなってしまう等の理由でコーヒーを飲む量や頻度を減らさなければならない方にとって、コーヒーをもっと楽しむ機会を提供できると期待しています。少ないカフェインなのに、コーヒーの甘さや質感を最大に楽しめる美味しいコーヒーを飲んでいただくことができます!ハーフデカフェブレンドはエチオピア同士でブレンドしています。
安心するよりどころのようなコーヒーなので、毎日どんな時間にも飲めてしまい、すぐに飲み切ってしまうと思います! あなたの毎日の豊かなライフスタイルに「ハーフデカフェブレンド」が花を添えられることを願っています。🥹

Flavor Notes

🍫 ・🫐・🍃

Curious ?

To buy while it lasts (limited in time) ↓ 🛒
Half Decaf Blend ハーフデカフェブレンド PostCoffee 150g 焙煎度: 深煎り HDB-0001 (スペシャルティコーヒー) ¥2,000以上のご購入で送料無料 | PostCoffee(ポストコーヒー

Let us know on social media your thoughts about half-decaf blends popping-up everywhere, and what’s your favorite one ! Tag us with #postcoffee 📮☕
