

Alpha‐blockers as medical expulsive therapy for ureteral stones



Ureteral colic is a common reason for patients to seek medical care. Alpha‐blockers are commonly used to improve stone passage through so‐called medical expulsive therapy (MET), but their effectiveness remains controversial. This is an update of a 2014 Cochrane review; since that time, several large randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have been reported, making this update relevant.
尿管疝痛は、患者が医療機関を受診する一般的な理由である。結石の通過性を改善するために、いわゆるMET(medical expulsive therapy)によりαブロッカーがよく使用されるが、その効果にはまだ議論の余地がある。これは2014年のコクランレビューのアップデートであり、それ以降、いくつかの大規模な無作為化比較試験(RCT)が報告されており、このアップデートは適切なものとなっている。


To assess effects of alpha‐blockers compared with standard therapy for ureteral stones 1 cm or smaller confirmed by imaging in adult patients presenting with symptoms of ureteral stone disease.

Search methods

On 18 November 2017, we searched CENTRAL, MEDLINE Ovid, and Embase. We also searched ClinicalTrials.gov and the WHO Portal/ICTRP to identify all published/unpublished and ongoing trials. We checked all references of included and review articles and conference proceedings for articles relevant to this review. We sent letters to investigators to request information about unpublished or incomplete studies.
2017 年 11 月 18 日、CENTRAL、MEDLINE Ovid、および Embase を検索した。また,ClinicalTrials.gov および WHO Portal/ICTRP を検索し,すべての公表/未公表試験および進行中の試験を確認した。このレビューに関連する論文については、収録論文、レビュー論文、会議録のすべての参考文献を確認した。研究者に手紙を送り、未発表または不完全な試験についての情報を求めた。

Selection criteria

We included RCTs of ureteral stone passage in adult patients that compared alpha‐blockers versus standard therapy.

Data collection and analysis

Two review authors screened studies for inclusion and extracted data using standard methodological procedures. We performed meta‐analysis using a random‐effects model. Primary outcomes were stone clearance and major adverse events; secondary outcomes were stone expulsion time, number of pain episodes, use of diclofenac, hospitalisation, and surgical intervention. We assessed the quality of evidence on a per‐outcome basis using the GRADE approach.

Main results

We included 67 studies with 10,509 participants overall. Of these, 15 studies with 5787 participants used a placebo.

Stone clearance: Based on the overall analysis, treatment with an alpha‐blocker may result in a large increase in stone clearance (risk ratio (RR) 1.45, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.36 to 1.55; low‐quality evidence). A subset of higher‐quality, placebo‐controlled trials suggest that the likely effect is probably smaller (RR 1.16, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.25; moderate‐quality evidence), corresponding to 116 more (95% CI 51 more to 182 more) stone clearances per 1000 participants.
結石除去。全体的な分析に基づくと、α遮断薬による治療は結石除去を大幅に増加させる可能性がある(リスク比(RR)1.45、95%信頼区間(CI)1.36~1.55;低質エビデンス)。より質の高いプラセボ対照試験のサブセットは、おそらく効果が小さいことを示唆しており(RR 1.16、95%CI 1.07~1.25;中質エビデンス)、これは、1000人当たりの結石除去数が116増加(95%CI 51増加~182増加)することに対応する。

Major adverse events: Based on the overall analysis, treatment with an alpha‐blocker may have little effect on major adverse events (RR 1.25, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.96; low‐quality evidence). A subset of higher‐quality, placebo‐controlled trials suggest that alpha‐blockers likely increase the risk of major adverse events slightly (RR 2.09, 95% CI 1.13 to 3.86), corresponding to 29 more (95% CI 3 more to 75 more) major adverse events per 1000 participants.
重大な有害事象。全体的な分析に基づくと、α遮断薬による治療は主要な有害事象にほとんど影響しない可能性がある(RR 1.25、95%CI 0.80~1.96;低質エビデンス)。質の高いプラセボ対照試験のサブセットは、α遮断薬が主要有害事象のリスクをわずかに増加させる可能性があることを示唆している(RR 2.09, 95% CI 1.13~3.86 )。

Patients treated with alpha‐blockers may experience shorter stone expulsion times (mean difference (MD) ‐3.40 days, 95% CI ‐4.17 to ‐2.63; low‐quality evidence), may use less diclofenac (MD ‐82.41, 95% CI ‐122.51 to ‐42.31; low‐quality evidence), and likely require fewer hospitalisations (RR 0.51, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.77; moderate‐quality evidence), corresponding to 69 fewer hospitalisations (95% CI 93 fewer to 32 fewer) per 1000 participants. Meanwhile, the need for surgical intervention appears similar (RR 0.74, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.02; low‐quality evidence), corresponding to 28 fewer surgical interventions (95% CI 51 fewer to 2 more) per 1000 participants.
α遮断薬で治療された患者は、結石排出時間が短く(平均差(MD)-3.40日、95%CI -4.17~-2.63;低質エビデンス)、ジクロフェナックの使用が少なく(MD -82.41、95%CI -122.51~-42.31;低質エビデンス)、入院が少なくてすみそう(RR 0.51、95%CI 0.34~0.77;中質エビデンス)、1000人当たり69人の入院患者が少なく(95%CI 93人の少ないから32人の少ない)なることに対応している。一方、外科的介入の必要性は同様であり(RR 0.74、95%CI 0.53~1.02;低質エビデンス)、1000人当たりの外科的介入が28件少ない(95%CI 51件~2件多い)ことに相当する。

A predefined subgroup analysis (test for subgroup differences; P = 0.002) suggests that effects of alpha‐blockers may vary with stone size, with RR of 1.06 (95% CI 0.98 to 1.15; P = 0.16; I² = 62%) for stones 5 mm or smaller versus 1.45 (95% CI 1.22 to 1.72; P < 0.0001; I² = 59%) for stones larger than 5 mm. We found no evidence suggesting possible subgroup effects based on stone location or alpha‐blocker type.
事前に定義されたサブグループ解析(サブグループの差の検定;P = 0.002)により、α遮断薬の効果は結石のサイズによって異なる可能性が示唆され、5mm以下の結石のRRは1.06(95%CI 0.98~1.15;P = 0.16;I² = 62%)、5mmより大きい結石の場合は1.45(95%CI 1.22~1.72;P < 0.0001;I² = 59%)であった。結石の位置やα遮断薬の種類に基づくサブグループ効果の可能性を示唆する証拠は見つかりませんでした。

Authors' conclusions

For patients with ureteral stones, alpha‐blockers likely increase stone clearance but probably also slightly increase the risk of major adverse events. Subgroup analyses suggest that alpha‐blockers may be less effective for smaller (5 mm or smaller) than for larger stones (greater than 5 mm).


