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The life of actress Melina Mercouri and the return movement of the Parthenon sculpture

A marble statue of Melina Mercuri is placed at the entrance of Aleopagitu Street leading to the Acropolis hill. This statue reminds me of her great movement to return the Parthenon sculptures from the British Museum. I strongly believed that they should be returned although it is said that the possibility of return is very less. However the fact is that those sculptures made by Phidias and his students are a great legacy of the Golden Age of ancient Athens and they belong to Greece, not to Britain. I would like to introduce the life of the great actress, Melina Mercuri, who initiated the return movement of Parthenon sculptures.

Melina Mercuri was born in 1920 to a wealthy Greek family. Her father was a politician and her grandfather was a doctor and mayor of Athens for many years. Her parents were divorced when Merina was very young. Her mother and her grandmother were typical conservative women of the time, so Melina as a child always felt cramped. She always longed for being free, and flying to another world someday.

Decision to become an actress
In her late teens, Melina secretly decided to become an actress and she took the exam of the National Theater school and she passed. Her mother was very angry of course. She also secretly married a millionaire to get her independence from her family. She was a bit naughty girl so she was dating the men even after marriage. She told in an interview that whenever she had eye contact with someone, he hooked me and developed the relationship. Her beauty, liveliness and friendliness may have fascinated many men. After that, Greece was occupied by Nazi. She was criticized for living a luxurious life while people are starving and dying . She told later the only regret in her life was that she wasn't involved in resistant activities during Nazi occupation.

Destiny with Jules Dassen
After World War II, she moved to Paris to start her international career. After a while she came back to Greece and made her first film "Stella". This movie participated at the Cannes Film Festival, and American director Jules Dassin fell in love with Melina at first sight, and despite being married he confessed her feelings on the spot. For Melina it was also a destiny to meet him. In 1966 Melina and Jules Dassin were married, and they stayed together until her death. Jules Dassin couldn't think of making films without Melina, and she wanted it too. Her fame was enhanced by "Never on Sunday". The movie became a worldwide hit, and Manos Hadjidakis' theme song also became a big hit around the world. She was awarded at the Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for an Oscar. Melina became an international actress. She continued making films with him and they did Illya Darling at Broadway together and she was nominated for a Tony Award.

During the military regime
In the 70s Greece was under the military government which made her so sad. She began to appeal to the international community to overthrow the dictatorship from abroad for democracy. The Greek military government stripped her citizenship. She wasn't afraid and she devoted her life to fighting against the military government. She said, "I was born as a Greek and will die as a Greek. No one can take my citizenship as a Greek. Mr. Patakos (Greek dictator) was born as a fascist and will die as a fascist. " Melina's mother passed away during the dictatorship, and she was basically unable to step on the land of Greece, but the military government exceptionally allowed her to stay for 13-hours in Greece so that she attended her mother’s funeral .

Merina as Minister of Culture
In 1974, the military government collapsed and finally Greece went back to being free and democratic. Melina moved back to Greece and began to be involved in politics. She was elected as a member of Parliament and she also became Minister of Culture for several years. In her movie "Fedra" in the 1960s, she had a scene surrounded by sculptures of the Parthenon in the British Museum. She would have had in her mind at this time that she would take the Greek sculpture back to her country. She campaigned to return the Parthenon sculptures as Minister of Culture. Making this happen was not easy but she had a strong voice and will that they should be returned. She said they may not be returned while I am alive but I will be born again to get them returned.

Melina's death
Melina was a heavy smoker and turned out to suffer from lung cancer. She was in New York fighting with her disease but after a long battle with her cancer she died in 1994. She was 74 years old. Her body was brought to Greece and placed in the chapel of the Metropolitan Church in Athens for two days. Hundreds of thousands of people attended her funeral. She was buried in the First Cemetery in Athens. Her death shocked the world and there was one minute light off at the Broadway mourning her death. Melina was the only foreign actress on Broadway to be honored in this way. As her wish, the Melina Mercouri Foundation was founded by her husband Jules Dassen, continuing the movement to return the Parthenon sculptures. After her death, streets and squares were named Melina throughout Greece.

At the end
Melina Mercouri was an internationally renowned movie star but she was regarded as a fighter against dictatorship and a brave politician. I think she was a symbol of Greek women and definitely a patriot. Her brave and determined campaign of the return for the Parthenon sculpture was her great feat. I guess she will be looking forward to the day of return of the sculptures in heaven. (Written by Yuki)
