

*English below. 英語で読みたい方は下に記載しています。







1. Whatchamacallit

元々はWhat you may call it もしくはWhat you might call itというフレーズから来た単語です。




2. Doohickey



ディズニー映画"Ralph Breaks the Internet (邦題:シュガー・ラッシュ:オンライン)"にも出てくる表現です。


3. Thingamabob



実はこの単語は、”The Little Mermaid(邦題:リトル・マーメイド)”で主人公アリエルの歌 Part of Your Worldに出てきます♪


4. Thingamajig




5. Thingy


例えば、Could you pass me that thingy? (あれを私に渡してくれる?)のように、カジュアルな会話で使います。








Thank you for reading!
See you soon!


The English article starts here!

There are times when we forget the names of some objects or things.

When we refer to those things in Japanese, we say "are (あれ)", but do you know how would we say that in English? 

There are a couple ways to phrase this, but you might be surprised that they sound like words that come from other languages! 

I've tweeted about a week ago on this topic as you can see below, so I'm going to elaborate a little more on the vocabulary! 

Luckily for you guys, you can check out the pronunciations of these 3 words from the audio attached below!


(Please listen to the audio starting at 0:41 to check out the pronunciations!) 

1. Whatchamacallit

This word originally comes from the phrases "what you may call it" or "what you might call it".

These phrases were compressed into one word, whatchamacallit.

The thought of compressing a few words into one sounds interesting, doesn't it? 

2. Doohickey

This is also one of the words you can use when you forget the name of a thing you want to refer to! 

Doohickey especially refers to small objects like machines or their parts.

In fact, this word was used in a Disney movie "Ralph Breaks the Internet"! 

If you are a big fan of Disney, I'm sure you will have fun watching the film in English, saying "Ooh! Doohickey is really used!"

3. Thingamabob

If you have a hard time recalling the name of an object, you can use this word too! 

I'm sure some of you big Disney fans will recognize this word. 

Thingamabob was used in the song "Part of Your World" in the film ”The Little Mermaid.

If you are interested, I recommend listening to the song with lyrics! 

4. Thingamajig

This word has the same meaning as thingamabob.

If you take a close look, the spellings are the same as thingamabob except for the last 3 letters. 

Just to note, thingamajig is sometimes spelled as "thingumajig" with a "u". 

5. Thingy

We use "thingy" the most in casual conversations. 

For example, you can ask "Could you pass me that thingy?"

As you can tell from its spelling, you add a "y" to the word, thing.

It's easy to remember, right? 😊

To Sum Up...

I hope you had something new to learn today!

All those 5 words are used by native speakers, so if you have any chance, please use them too! 😊

If you have any requests about what you would like to know about English or American cultures, feel free to follow and leave a comment! 


I have started some online English lessons! 

If you are interested, please click here to check it out! 😆
Please note that it is only written in Japanese. (In case you need help with Japanese, please ask me and I will provide the details in English. )

Thank you for reading!
See you soon!
