

Cancel culture

「差別的な言動をした」と認定した人を社会的に抹殺するcancel cultureがノンポリの庶民までターゲットにするようになってきたことをリベラルの一部も看過できなくなったようで、Atlanticが批判記事を出している。



Facts Don't Matter/客観よりも主観が優先

差別的言動があったのか否かという事実の検証は二の次で、誰かが差別だと感じて喚けばそれが事実になってしまう。"Facts Don't Matter"がリベラルの信条である。


According to this new approach, apparently informed by critical race theory and postmodern approaches to truth-seeking, evidence doesn’t matter much, because there is no “objective truth.” What matters is that we assess how much power people have, based on superficial characteristics like race and gender, and then let the most oppressed person’s version of events prevail.
Some professors also see the world this way, apparently. In the first weeks of my constitutional-law class, Professor Jefferey Hewitt told students that while Western legal systems are focused on getting to the “actual” truth, Indigenous people understand truth as something “fundamentally different.” To them, truth isn’t “objective and singular,” Hewitt says. “You cannot say from viewpoint A that B is wrong because you didn’t see what they saw.”

客観的事実として正しいか否かではなく、政治的に正しい(politically correct)か否かが判断基準になるわけだが、宗教国家への退行のようなものである。











もう一つの論点について、小田嶋は「男尊女卑思想にとらわれているから」と考えているようだが、被害者に「助言」が集まるのは、女(特に若い女)の価値が高いからで、男は消耗品なので助言するに値しない。つまりは逆の女尊男卑(trigger more empathy than men do)だからである。

Young women, on the other hand, are reproductive resources in all groups of people. Seen from an evolutionary perspective, they are valuable both to the family and to the group.
Young women, therefore, trigger more empathy than men do. Young healthy men, on the other hand, trigger almost no empathy at all. Young men are cannon fodder. They are the ones we send to war. They are the ones we can sacrifice.

小田嶋のこの疑問(⇩)は、リベラルが「ドラゴンを退治して英雄になった後、日常に戻れずに次のドラゴンを求めて彷徨い続ける聖ゲオルギウス」の‘St George in retirement’ syndromeに罹っていることを示している。

おそらく、彼らは、現状が現状のままであることを強く願っている人々で、そのためにこそ、あらゆる場所で、反人権、反・反差別、反PC(Political Correctness)、反BLM、反フェミニズムの旗を振っているのだろうと、当面、私はそんなふうに考えている。
It is an extension of a well-known problem in liberalism which has been recognized even among those who did once fight a noble fight. It is a tendency identified by the late Australian political philosopher Kenneth Minogue as ‘St George in retirement’ syndrome. After slaying the dragon the brave warrior finds himself stalking the land looking for still more glorious fights. He needs his dragons. Eventually, after tiring himself out in pursuit of ever-smaller dragons he may eventually even be found swinging his sword at thin air, imagining it to contain dragons.




In the 20th century, the political expressions of this project were principally in totalitarian regimes. If Mussolini’s Fascists aimed to raze Abyssinia, Lenin’s Bolsheviks and Mao’s cultural revolutionaries bulldozed the past, along with tens of millions of human lives in Russia, China and Tibet. As well as killing nearly two million people, around a quarter of Cambodia’s population, Pol Pot laid waste to much of the country’s cultural inheritance. In Europe, the Nazis projected, and partly achieved, a uniquely hideous desolation. All of these regimes were driven by the belief that a new world could be created by unbridled human will.
This cult of the will did not end with classical totalitarianism. An ideal of self-creation has returned in 21st-century liberalism. Part of the craze for identity politics is the insistence that each of us can be whoever and whatever we decide to be. Not fate or accident but untrammelled choice must shape our identities. It is an illusory vision, since identity in practice is never unilateral. Everyone’s identity depends on recognition by others – a relationship that must be negotiated, one way or another. Yet pursuing a fantasy of autonomous self-creation has come to be seen as the fundamental human freedom. The fact that the demand for recognition of one’s chosen identity leads to the fragmentation of society into warring groups has not diminished the appeal of this vision.

