
Humans are creatures that repeatedly fail, so what should we do?

Hello, everyone.

Sai & Co. WAKU Chare Labo's Sai & Co. It is.

Well, today, "Humans are creatures that repeatedly fail, so what should we do?" I'm going to talk about.

But before that, please.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If there is such a person, please share it😁

Then it's the main topic.

Well, everyone.

Today, I'm going to talk about people repeating mistakes, but how many people are conscious of this?

When I failed, I said, "Ah! I've done it again, be careful next time," I've only thought about it, so I forgot it unexpectedly, and I've made the same mistake again... Isn't it?

Maybe there are a lot of people who can sympathize with this?

Because we humans are living things, but we are made to forget what happened in advance.

Because it is said that if you remember all the events that happened, your brain will have a flat tire, and it seems that the energy consumption of the brain is very high for the occupied area of the body, and the cost performance is bad.

By the way, the proportion of the brain is only about 2% of the size of the whole body, and even though it is that size, about 20% of the total energy is used in the brain.

Back to the story, in other words, we live on the premise of forgetting.

That's why it takes a lot of effort to remember.

By the way, there is a theory that often appears in the fields of psychology and brain science, and have you ever heard of the forgetting curve?

This forgetting curve is, roughly speaking, how much time can people remember the events they have seen and heard? It's a curve that I investigated and expressed in the graph.

Then, specifically, I would like you to google what kind of curve it will be, but according to that, the memory rate after 20 minutes is about 40%, about 50% after 1 hour, and about 70% after 1 day.

By the way, there is a saying that people's rumors are also 75 days, so in about two and a half months, you will completely forget what you remembered until then.

That means that after two and a half months at the most, I will completely forget from myself what I failed in the past, what I failed, and what I swore never to do again.

That's why you make the same mistake over and over again.

Well, it is true that there is no choice because of the structure of the brain, but here, with just a little ingenuity, you can become a head-out existence than a person.

And it's easy.

That's what I wanted to say the most today, but people are creatures that repeat mistakes.

That's why it means, "Let's take notes."

In order not to forget.

It can be a diary or a kind of record.

In order not to forget, let's put a memorandum so that you can remember it when you look back, which is what I wanted to tell you the most today.

It's not that I have to take notes on everything, but I don't want to repeat the same mistake again, it's just an event that I thought so.

It's best to take a note and put it in a visible place.

Then I won't forget it.

So, how was it? Today's story.

Every day like this, we are delivering a way to live your daily life wisely by using the brain mechanism well.

If you are interested in this story, please bring your finger to my past blog.

I'm also waiting for your friend registration on the official LINE.

Finally, if you say that today's story was good, please share it with your friends.

See you later✌️
