
ハーブズメンのトルコ食い倒れ旅番外編2エーゲ海の薪火レストランOd Orla


エーゲ海の薪火料理レストランOd Orlaへ



早朝5時すぎに宿を出て、イスタンブル空港から朝8時の国内線でトルコ第二の都市イズミルまで飛んだ。イズミル空港からはアラチャトゥまでタクシーを飛ばして1時間弱。午前10時すぎには、2019年にも泊まった宿「Villa Taraca Alacati Romantik Otel(ヴィラ・タラチャ・アラチャトゥ・ロマンティク・オテル)」にチェックインした。ここはBooking.comで過去に何度も10点満点が付いていた人気の宿だ。


エーゲ海の眩しい日差しの中、プールでひと泳ぎした後、午後3時前に再びタクシーに乗りこみ、ワイナリーと漁港の村ウルラへと向かった。広大なオリーブ畑をそのまま使った薪火料理レストラン「Od Orla(オド・ウルラ)」がこの日の取材先だ。

ワイナリーと漁港の村ウルラのオリーブ畑の中に突如現れるOd Urla

3年前にウルラのワイナリーを訪れ、すっかりこの村が気に入った僕は、帰国後にインターネットで村について調べているうちに、当時開店したばかりだったオド・ウルラを知った。ドイツとギリシャのクレタ島のルーツを持つトルコ人のシェフで、アメリカとイタリア、イスタンブルで料理を学んだOsman Sezenar(オスマン・セゼナー)さんが「農場から食卓まで」をテーマに、農産物から海産物まで地元の季節の食材にこだわり、薪火を使って調理するレストランだ。2018年末の開店直後から食通の間で評判となり、その後、同じ敷地内に二軒目のレストラン「Ma Urla(マ・ウルラ)」とゲストハウスまでオープンしていた。







屋外席はオリーブの木陰に配置されているのだ! 天然のインテリアならぬエクステリア!








前菜一皿目は鱸のタルタル。自家製のワインビネガーで漬けた鱸をサイコロ切りにして、細かく刻んだ赤パプリカとともに、数種類のハーブを煎じた緑色のオイルに沈めてある。その上にはガジアンテップ産のピスタチオとオイスターリーフがのせられ、一番上にはポロネギのフライ。これは美しい! 入り口にあったプランターから摘んできたばかりのオイスターリーフがまさにその名のとおり牡蠣の風味を全体に加え、鱸の味を更に引き出している。美味い!






4皿目にはシナモンで煮込んだガチョウの挽き肉を詰めた水餃子のマントゥ。一般的にトルコでマントゥというと、スプーン一杯の上に10~40個ものる極小サイズのものを指すが、このマントゥはイタリアのラビオリほどのサイズで、形も指輪状にまるめてある。そのマントゥを煮込んでいるソースはフォンドボーだろうか? シナモンとともに煮込んだガチョウの挽き肉は甘さが際立ち、三日前にイスタンブルのデラリエで食べたオスマン宮廷料理を思い出した。








メインの後、最後にデザートのアイスクリーム化された脱構築バクラワをいただき、オド・ウルラのザ・ハーブズメン歓待メニューは終了した。しかし、このままではなんとなく不完全燃焼だ。そもそも、お店の一番の売りである薪火の焼き料理が一つもなかったじゃないか! 「トルコ料理=スパイシー」というコンセプトにこだわりすぎて全体像を見失っているテレビのプロデューサーが、オスマンシェフに「ハーブやスパイスに特化した料理を出して下さい」という事前注文をつけていたのが間違いだったのでは? 


追加注文した烏賊の薪火オーブン焼き。緑色のポロネギのソースとパールクスクス添え。これはスモーキーで美味い! こんな料理が食べたかったのだ!

軽く焼き色が付くまで薪火で焼いた烏賊にはポロネギのソースとパールクスクスが、蛸には緑のハーブオイルやザクロ果汁濃縮ソースが添えられていた。烏賊と蛸は新鮮で柔らかく、焼き加減も完璧、しかも薪で燻されていて、ハーブオイルやソースと完璧にマッチングしている。これ! これですよ、食べたかったのは! 



The Herbsmen's Culinary Journey in Turkey: 2: Od Orla

Salam's 11th book, "Marginal Foodie Tour," will be released in December 2023. The sixth chapter, "Turkey - The Herbsmen and the Feast," originally contained content that overlapped with the first chapter, "Aegean Cuisine in Turkey." While omitted in the book, it is posted here as a bonus to celebrate the book’s release.

On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, after four days of culinary exploration in Istanbul, The Herbsmen decided to enjoy Aegean cuisine in the towns of Alacati and Urla by the Aegean Sea. Detailed in the first chapter of "Marginal Foodie Tour," Aegean cuisine is known for its use of seafood and a variety of herbs, such as Italian parsley, dill, spearmint, green onions, and kekik, including local herbs rarely seen in Japan – a true culinary path for The Herbsmen.

Leaving early at 5 AM, we flew from Istanbul Airport to Turkey's second-largest city, Izmir, on an 8 AM flight. A taxi from Izmir Airport took us to Alacati in under an hour. By 10 AM, we checked into 'Villa Taraca Alacati Romantik Otel,' a popular lodging often rated 10 out of 10 on Booking.com.

After a swim in the pool under the dazzling Aegean sun, we headed to Urla by taxi around 3 PM. Our destination was 'Od Urla,' a wood-fire restaurant amidst vast olive groves. Having fallen for Urla during a previous winery visit, I discovered Od Urla online, recently opened at that time. Run by Osman Sezenar, a Turkish chef with German and Greek-Cretan roots and culinary experience in America, Italy, and Istanbul, Od Urla focuses on local seasonal ingredients, from produce to seafood, all cooked with wood fire. Since opening in late 2018, it quickly gained a reputation among gourmands, later expanding with a second restaurant 'Ma Urla' and a guest house.

As we walked down the straight path lined with olive trees, we saw planters filled with arugula, wild fennel, sorrel, nasturtium, and various herbs. A young kitchen staff member informed us they cultivate over 150 types of vegetables and herbs.

The black metal and glass single-story building housed the open kitchen on the left and a spacious indoor salon on the right. Despite the idle afternoon, the kitchen was bustling with activity, offering an unparalleled sense of openness with its glass walls and high ceiling.

After peering into the kitchen and salon, we were guided to an outdoor seating area in the olive grove. Wooden planks laid along the grove's paths held rows of tables and chairs, accommodating up to 300 guests, with the trees serving as natural umbrellas and lamp stands.

We toasted with Viognier wine from the neighboring village of Usca, and chef Osman appeared. Bear-like and stern, very German in demeanor, he charmingly winked after every sentence, embodying Mediterranean masculinity. "Welcome to Od Urla. 'Od' means 'fire' in old Turkish. Nearly all our ingredients are locally sourced, and we cook them with wood fire. I've heard about you from Maksut of Neolokal, so please take your time enjoying our herb and spice-rich fire-cooked dishes today," he winked again.

First came homemade olive oil with bread and grissini. Upon asking about the 'homemade' aspect, the waiter silently pointed upwards – the oil came from the very olive trees shading us.

The first appetizer was sea bass tartare. Marinated in homemade wine vinegar and diced, it was immersed in a green oil infused with several herbs and topped with Gaziantep pistachios and oyster leaves, finished with fried green onions. The freshly picked oyster leaves added an oyster-like flavor, enhancing the sea bass. Delicious!

Next, a salad of Italian fresh cheese stracciatella, bottarga, and various fresh herbs. The herbs – sorrel, nasturtium, mustard greens, shiso, edible flowers – were laid out on the plate, topped with stracciatella, drizzled with olive oil mixed with vanilla beans, and grated yellow bottarga. The fresh herbs each added distinct textures and flavors, perfectly complementing the creamy stracciatella and salty bottarga with sweet vanilla aroma. A green masterpiece!

The third dish was a warm seafood dish, Bongole. Large, firm clams were mixed in a strong goat cheese sauce, accompanied by crispy rocket and a hint of sumac. Unusual for Turkish cuisine, which typically doesn't pair seafood with cheese, this dish showcased chef Osman's creative culinary approach.

The fourth dish was goose meat-filled mantı, simmered in cinnamon. Unlike the tiny mantı typical in Turkey, these were ring-shaped, the size of Italian ravioli, possibly cooked in a veal stock. The minced goose meat, simmered with cinnamon, had a distinctive sweetness, reminiscent of the Ottoman court cuisine I had in Istanbul's Delarie three days prior.

Paired with the meat dish was 'Od Urla, Osman Selection' red wine, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Petit Verdot. Savoring the robust, tannin-rich wine, the main dish arrived, resembling French Beef Bourguignon. It was a wood-fired oven-braised beef cheek, served with mashed potatoes and fried onions. Instead of the traditional red wine, the beef was cooked in a herbal and spice candy known as 'Mesir Macunu' in Turkey. This herbal taste reminded me of Bak Kut Teh, a pork rib dish simmered in Chinese medicinal herbs in Malay-Singaporean cuisine. Though delicious, I wondered if this dish's nostalgic appeal was limited to Turks familiar with Mesir Macunu.

Finally, we indulged in deconstructed baklava ice cream, completing the Herbsmen's special menu at Od Urla. However, we felt something was amiss, as the restaurant's signature wood-fired dishes were absent. It seemed the TV producers' insistence on herb and spice-focused dishes led to a missed opportunity. Despite the successful filming, we were not fully satisfied and decided to order more dishes, this time choosing wood-fired squid and octopus. This flexibility and hearty appetite are commendable traits of The Herbsmen.

The squid and octopus, lightly charred by the wood fire, were tender and perfectly cooked, with herb oil and concentrated pomegranate juice sauce. This was exactly what we wanted to experience! The true essence of this restaurant lies in its wood-fired dishes. Next time, I aim to stay in the guest house, sit indoors with a view of the wood ovens and BBQ pits, and leisurely enjoy the wood-fired dishes without worrying about time.
