





発端は、私的で衝動的な探究心であったと思います。けれどもそういった新しいデザインへの探究や、自分なりの「心地いい」切子の創造は、「江戸切子」の恩恵を受ける者として当たり前の活動であり、それが恩返しとなるまで追求するべきだと考えています。SENA MISAWAでは、その「心地よさ」を使い手の方と共有できたら嬉しいです。

A “comfortable” Edo Kiriko ware

I believe that Edo Kiriko wares are part of décor that adorns the room it is placed in: a significant interior article. I aspire to create Edo Kiriko products that are pleasant and comfortable - just like an Edo Kiriko ware with gorgeous and brilliant designs will be attractive in a chic Japanese style pub with plane wood counters- when placed in my daily life space.

Non-transparent coloured glass
Edo Kiriko is mainly known for its clear coloured glass that sparkles with reflecting light, but incorporating non-transparent coloured glass is unique to my pieces.

Matte textured finishes
Matte textured finishes are important for a light and smooth feel that is almost un-glasslike.

These specific tastes are formed by influences from daily experiences. Specifically: glass blowing classes I join for entertainment, Toru’s teachings as an Edo Kiriko crafter, packages of cosmetics, and white themed rooms.
Therefore, my creations are genuine expressions of what is meaningful to me now.

My quest for a “comfortable” Edo Kiriko ware may have initially been personal and impulsive; I believe that the search for new and “comfortable” styles is only natural for an artisan that benefits from the methods of Edo Kiriko.

I hope that glasswares of the SENA MISAWA line will be a means of sharing this “comfortable” feeling with the people who come across my products.
