
Taking off

As an airplane races down the runway, it faces a force called "drag," which tries to push it back, created by air resistance.

This feels akin to the forces that oppose cannabis use because they believe it is a dangerous drug.

Additionally, the aircraft is subjected to "gravity," a force intent on keeping it grounded.

This resembles the human nature of fearing the new, resisting change.

Should the pilot press the brakes, the aircraft would gradually stop, forever remaining on the runway.

But what happens if, despite "drag" and "gravity," it keeps running?

Eventually, a force called "lift" arises, capable of floating the aircraft into the sky.

Planes take off not with the wind or a push from behind, but by "using" the drag and the gravity that strive to keep them grounded.

If we stop at every difficulty, it remains a challenge.

Yet, if we persist, those same challenges can propel us forward.

Let's spread our wings and take off.
