
米国大統領選挙:接戦が暗示するアメリカの未来とは?(The Economistデジタル版11月6日の記事より)

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ちなみに、現在のThe Economistの現在の編集長(Editor-In-Chief)はこの人です↓



(原文)As Joe Biden closes in on victory, his success signals a rejection of Donald Trump. Only once in the past 40 years has a president been denied a second term. Mr Trump will lose the popular vote by, we reckon, 52% to 47%—only the electoral college’s bias towards rural voters saved him from a crushing defeat. A Biden White House would also set a wholly new tone. The all-caps tweets and the constant needling of partisan divisions would go. So would the self-dealing, the habitual lying and the use of government departments to pursue personal vendettas. Mr Biden is a decent man who, after the polls closed, vowed to govern as a unifier. His victory would change American policy in areas from climate to immigration. And yet the unexpected closeness of the vote also means populism will live on in America. It has become clear that Mr Trump’s astonishing victory in 2016 was not an aberration but the start of a profound ideological shift in his party. Far from being swept away in a blue wave, Republicans have gained seats in the House and look likely to keep control of the Senate. The Republican Party, which fell under Mr Trump’s spell while he was in office, is not about to shake itself out of the trance now. What does that mean for America and the world?


