


・年金繰り下げ、条件を確認 配偶者死亡で増額なし多く
(出典:日本経済新聞2023年8月12日 朝刊 一部抜粋)












Title: "Spouse's Death and Pension Deferral: Understanding the Conditions for Increased Benefits"

・Pension deferral: Verify the conditions; often no increase in case of spouse's death.
・"I can't believe I can't increase my pension through deferral," said a 63-year-old man in Tokyo who consulted with a social insurance labor consultant earlier this year about pension receipt.
・The reason was the death of his wife, who had been a part of the Employee's Pension Insurance program, two years ago, which triggered eligibility for survivor's pension.
・Normally, the old-age pension can be received from the age of 65. For every month the start of payment is delayed, it increases by 0.7%, and the increased amount continues for life.
・It can be delayed until the maximum age of 75, in which case it increases by 84%.
・Unable to defer through survivor's pension eligibility.
Pension systems can be intricate, and they vary based on individual circumstances. This blog focuses on survivor's pension and pension deferral, using the case of a man living in Tokyo to help deepen our understanding.
(Excerpt from the Nikkei Newspaper, August 12, 2023, Morning Edition)

What is Survivor's Pension?
Survivor's Pension is one of the pensions provided to those who have lost their spouses. It can be received if the deceased spouse had been enrolled in the Employee's Pension Insurance program, subject to specific conditions for eligibility. Let's delve into the details of this.

Key Points:
In the case of a 63-year-old man, his wife had been enrolled in the Employee's Pension Insurance program, and upon her passing, he became eligible for survivor's pension. This is a crucial point to note.

What is Pension Deferral?
Typically, old-age pensions can be claimed starting at the age of 65. However, if you choose to delay the payment, the benefit amount can increase. For each month of deferral, it increases by 0.7%, and this increase remains in effect for life. It's possible to defer until the maximum age of 75, resulting in an 84% increase. However, in this particular case, at the age of 63, the man's wife passed away, triggering eligibility for survivor's pension, and as a result, the deferral increase mechanism does not apply.

Pension systems are intricate, and especially when it comes to survivor's pension and pension deferral, different rules apply depending on the circumstances. Seeking advice from professionals like social insurance labor consultants is crucial. In this blog, we focused on a specific case, but it's essential to seek advice tailored to your individual situation. Make the most of the expertise of professionals like social insurance labor consultants available to you.
