An antidote to dissatisfaction

 Humans feel dissatisfied sometimes in life but modern people are getting more likely to feel dissatisfied especially because of social media. We see a lot of fancy people, wearing expensive clothing and enjoying their life. Also, we see a lot of ads saying you should buy this and that to be happy. Those things give us some impressions that we have to seek more things and status that people like celebrities have to become and feel happy. However, They, celebrities, and ads, do not make us happy. We are more likely to feel dissatisfied.

 Some studies showed that gratitude has an important role in human happiness because the part of the brain controls the reward system. So, you are likely to get satisfied when you appreciate something. However, why do we get satisfied when appreciating something. Appreciation is connected to reciprocity. A long time ago, our ancestors have to help each other to survive the world. To do so, they genetically appreciate someone when they do something for you. Once you appreciate someone or something, you feel satisfied, then which leads to a positive feeling.  It lets you do something for someone as a token of appreciation, which makes a good relationship with others. 

 Okay. You maybe know how appreciation affects our satisfaction with others and ourselves. However, how can we increase gratitude to feel more satisfied? Here is a method based on experimentation, which is gratitude journaling. You just write down what you appreciated a day. You write five things you are being grateful for. This method would increase how happy and satisfied you feel. So, I recommend you to try it for at least two weeks, which might become your habit.

Thank for your time.
