Souta Sakamoto/坂本颯太


Souta Sakamoto/坂本颯太



Brain hacked by smartphone

Hello. How's it going? I'm doing great, working on my tasks every single day. I am actually in the process of improving my English skills day by day. But recently, I read a book that is called" brain hacked by smartphone" written by a Swed

    • Love your fate, become great

      I watched a video about Nietzsche, which was talking about his formula of him for becoming great. I want to share my idea with you. It is Love your fate. He said idealism is untruthfulness. However, I should define what great is, which m

      • How does alcohol cause hangovers?

        In 1973, scientists conduct experiments to investigate what alcohol causes worse hangovers. They found that ethanol, one of the alcohol, plays a detrimental role in causing hangovers. Hangovers have human some unpleasant features, headache

        • Why are humans getting weaker than ever?

          Humans have been getting weaker than ever. They have become weak and vulnerable to snacks, anime, movies, porn, and SNS. In particular, SNS is getting strong to gather their attention. They have become addicted to it. It has a detrimental

        Brain hacked by smartphone

          3 Argument Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal

          Hi there. Today, I am going to look at 3 arguments for why marijuana should stay illegal. Recently, marijuana has started to be decriminalized, or even made legal in some countries. But is this a really good idea? Let's look at how it shou

          3 Argument Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal

          Five ways to improve your listening skills in English.

          Today, i am going to talk about five ways to imrove your listening skills in English. I watched a video from Veronica on Youtube. Let’s get started. Number 1. Listening to podcast. It sounds like super basic thing, right? But you sho

          Five ways to improve your listening skills in English.

          An antidote to dissatisfaction

          Humans feel dissatisfied sometimes in life but modern people are getting more likely to feel dissatisfied especially because of social media. We see a lot of fancy people, wearing expensive clothing and enjoying their life. Also, we see a

          An antidote to dissatisfaction

          Universal Basic Income

          Hello guys. I watched a video about universal basic income from In a nutshell on Youtube. I grasped the concept of it and there is no honest answer to it. I will share what I learned from that video. I want more money without demanding an


          Hi there. It’s been a while writing note. I’m excited to writing an essay. By the way, I decided to write a short essay about what I learn from “In a nutshell” that is a Youtube channel like Ted, which is educational and animated video so t

          IELTS writing task 1

          The diagram explains the process of crayons made, following ten steps in the entire process, starting first with melting the wax and ending with the finished crayon boxes being checked manually. First of all, the main ingredient, wax is me

          How does language affect human thoughts

          Yeah. Language affects human thoughts. There are a lot of languages in the world, which have totally different vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. However, we communicate with each other. We can convey each idea to others. That is sur

          How does language affect human thoughts


          辛い、やめたい、止まってしまいたい、、、みたいな思考のことを心理学では破局化と呼ぶらしいです。こういう思考になった人は、我慢できず、諦めてしまう可能性が高くなるらしいです。過去につらい経験をしたひとは、その経験と、今のつらい経験を比べることができ、それによって破局化が起きにくいので、レジリエンスが高まるらしいです。 辛いことを経験したことで弱い人間になってしまった。という考え方をする人と、逆境を経験したことで、強くなれたと考える人とでは、その後の行動が大きく異なってくる。そ


          コモンヒューマニティ 失敗と挫折

          コモンヒューマニティというのは、心理学用語で、挫折や失敗を表す言葉らしい。これらのことは、人間なら誰しも経験するということです。実際に失敗や挫折を経験したときに、こうしたことを思い返すことができると、レジリエンスが高まります。 自分のことはよくわかっていても、他人のことは表面的なことしかわからないので、私達はつい、他人の表向きの姿と、自分自身を比較してしまいます。だから、実は同僚が自殺願望で苦しんでいたり、隣の人の酒癖が悪かったり、近所の素敵な夫婦が家庭内暴力て揉めていたり

          コモンヒューマニティ 失敗と挫折


          人を助けたり、周りに感謝すると、自分の気持に余裕が生まれ、希望のようなものを感じることができる。特に、人の手伝いをすると、自分には時間的余裕があると感じられるらしく、これが心に余裕を持たせてくれる。だから、短い時間で人助けができるのであれば、それをしよう。 自分よりも大きな目標に貢献しようと考えてみる。こうすると、この目標を達成するために、自分はどんな貢献ができるだろうとかんがえることができる。僕の場合は例えば英語学習で言うと、自分の子供には、自分が時間をかけて手に入れた能






