
Unimedia INTERVIEW④ 〜Game Team〜

There are some things that you can’t know unless you actually speak to someone.

In Unimedia Solutions LLC that I’m currently working in on an internship program, Batkholboo’s and my desk are set with us facing each other. However, it wasn’t until our interview that I got to know so much about him and all the amazing qualities he holds.

The interview begun by listening to his experience before Unimedia.
A web developer, a mobile game developer and the founder of Elective Content LLC, he has also performed amazingly in three contests: first place in Mobicom Corporation - Tedy" web games contest in 2009 and second place in “Mobile ICT Expo 2014 App contest” and “Unimedia App Contest 2014.”

Currently in Unimedia Solutions in Mongolia, he works as a game developer, mostly focused on educational or puzzle games. Awaiting a release in almost two weeks, he has been working on a puzzle game using square pieces. When the puzzle is solved, the blocks flashes as the game renews itself to another puzzle sheet. For the vibrate and thrilling animation, he explained that he got impressions from action games like Tower Defense and other shooting games. Although action games seem to do nothing with puzzle games, as a creator, Batkholboo had wide views in receiving ideas.

During the interview, he showed me cute games he had created and sang along with children’s karaoke games. Pictures he drew for the games were cute and loving; showing his kind and affectionate characters for kids.

With simple English words and google translators, the interview did not go so smoothly as I wanted. However, communicating with him, I was able to fully understand the friendly and courteous quality of Batkholboo.

Even after the interview, there are so many things that I want to know about him. I hope that someday, I would be able to speak Mongolian well enough to fluently communicate with every inspiring person I meet here in Mongolia.


そして、モンゴルのUnimedia Solutions LLC に入社して現在、ゲーム開発チームにて、2週間後は新たなゲームを市場に出す。

2009年に”Mobicom Corporation - Tedy" で優勝、2014年にはUnimediaの主催する Mobile ICT Expo 2014とUnimedia App Contest 2014で準優勝と、多岐にわたってWEBコンテストで実績を残しているBatkholbooさん、快くインタビューに応じてくれた。

Batkholbooさんはモンゴルでウケるゲームとして、教育系のゲームに力を入れている。現在作っているゲームはブロックを利用したパズルもの。パズルが正解し、ブロックが崩れ落ちる細やかなアニメーションは、Tower Defense、Shooting Gamesなどと、アクションゲームからアイディアをもらったようだ。パズルゲームとは、いかにも関連性のなさそうなアクションゲームだが、それらを細かいところに参考にすることで、パスルゲームをよりアクティブで、楽しいものに仕上げられている。



