
Unimedia INTERVIEW⑧ 〜Nexi Team〜

“I’m just so bad at writing,” declining my request to write his name with a pencil, he turned and carefully placed his hands on my computer.

A typical programmer was what I may have called Altantur.

In Unimedia Solutions LLC in Mongolia, Altantur works as a web developer in Nexi Team. In the team, he mainly works on web development and backend system of nexi’s content delivery system.

Only eight months since he joined his team, it wasn’t until recently that he finally understood the purpose of the system.
After calculating the profits, he found out that because the coupons were for daily consumable products, customers actually needed the system.
“A win on win system,” he proudly called his team’s product.

Consisting all three developers in android, iOS, and web fields, Altantur explained his project team to be very “skilled.” Although the project manager, Buyant-Orgil, was off for a summer break, Altantur assured that the project was currently running well; meaning that Buyant-Orgil had left his work well organized.
“He can just quickly send our product straight to clients,” he said, “but he always stops until he understands every bit of the project he’s managing.”
“Punctual and organized,” was what he called his project manager.

Other than his time in his project,
“one of the happiest moments,” Altantur said, “is when we find our product needed.”
“It same for all developers.”
Happiness filled his satisfaction as he pronounced the word “developers.”




Altanturさん、ユニメディアのモンゴル現地法人、Unimedia Solutions LLCにて、WEB開発者として Nexi Team に所属している。Nexi Team が担当しているのは、コンテンツデリバリシステム。日本の消費者を対象に、お得なクーポンの配信を行なっている。

Nexi Team に所属してまだ8ヶ月。Altanturさん、モンゴルと日本での文化の差がある中、最初は、何故日本人がクーポンを買おうとするのか、理解ができなかったと言う。最近になってやっと、プロジェクトの意味が見えてきた。

自分たち、そして、ユーザー、皆が得をするプロダクト。「win on win。」嬉しそうに、Altanturさんはそう呼んだ。

Android、iOS、WEB、3つの分野にわたってそれぞれの開発者が携わる Nexi Team。現在、プロジェクトリーダー Buyant-Orgil さんは休暇を取り、不在だ。しかし、プロジェクトは順調に回っている。それは Buyant-Orgil さんが普段からちゃんと管理しているからなのだと、Altanturさんは嬉しそうにそう話した。
「開発者が作ったものをそのままシステムとしてユーザーの元にまわすことはできる。しかし、 Buyant-Orgil さんは全てのシステムを理解して、それから次のステップに持っていくんだ。」
Buyant-Orgil さんの元で働けること、とても誇りに感じているようだった。

