
tangible sense of "earning" (ChatGPT日記002)


1.Original Text



夕方、いつもの出張先から新幹線の駅まで向かう道のりでタクシーを利用した。駅に到着してタクシーを降りる際に、運転手が「今日は道が混んでたから、ごめんね」と言って100円硬貨2枚を手渡してきた。道すがら、私は居眠りをしていたので気づかなかったが、時計を見ると普段よりも10分ほど余計に時間がかかったようだった。 200円は、そのお詫びということらしい。


生活はすっかりキャッシュレスになり、現金、しかも硬貨をまじまじと見つめる機会など久しくなかったような気がする。 日ごろ、仕事で金を稼いでいても、使っても、それは口座や明細に表示される数字の羅列でしかない。

今日、私は200円を稼いだ。 実際は居眠りしている間に小遣いをもらっただけだが、そんな風に「稼ぐ」ことの実感を得たような、奇妙な経験であった。

2.Translated by ChatGPT

Title: Earning Money: A Peculiar Experience
Today, I had a somewhat peculiar experience related to earning money.

In the evening, on my way from the usual business trip destination to the Shinkansen station, I decided to take a taxi.
Upon arriving at the station and getting out of the taxi, the driver apologized, saying, "I'm sorry for the traffic today," and handed me two 100-yen coins.
I hadn't noticed because I was dozingoff during the ride, but when I checked the time, it seemed to have taken about 10 minutes longer than usual.
The 200 yen was apparently an apology for the inconvenience caused.

Of course, it might be a small amount, possibly part of the driver's pocket money. Initially, I declined the gesture as it seemed unnecessary, but the driver insisted, so I accepted the 200 yen and put it in my pocket.
I briefly considered buying a drink with it, but somehow ended up bringing it home without spending.

Life has become predominantly cashless, and I haven't had the occasion to scrutinize cash, especially coins, for a long time.
In my daily routine, earning and spending money for work is merely a series of numbers displayed in my accounts and statements.
In contrast, the two 100-yen coins in front of me now have a definite form and weight, physically present in my hands.
Although the amount is much smaller compared to the balance in my account (which isn't substantial anyway), its presence is much more significant.

Today, I earned 200 yen.
In reality, it was just a small tip I received while dozing off, but it felt like a strange experience that gave me a tangible sense of "earning."

3.Learned Vocablary

  1. earn 動詞: (働いて)稼ぐ

  2. somewhat 副詞:やや、いくぶん

  3. peculiar 形容詞:奇妙な、おかしな、変な

  4. upon doing ~:~するときに、~したとたん

  5. doze off:うたたねする

  6. I declined the gesture as it seemed unnecessary
    ⇒ これはちょっと分からなかった。意訳か?

  7. briefly 副詞:簡単に、手短に

  8. somehow 副詞:どういうわけか、なぜか

  9. predominantly 副詞:優勢に、圧倒的に、主として
    ⇒ pre + dominate ってことか?

  10. scrutinize 他動詞:細かいところまで徹底的に調べる

  11. merely 副詞:単に~に過ぎない(onlyより形式ばった言い方)

  12. account 名詞:(預金)口座

  13. statement 名詞:発言、声明、陳述、明細書

  14. In contrast :これに対して

  15. definite 形容詞:明確な、一定の

  16. substantial 形容詞:実態のある、たっぷりとした

  17. tangible  形容詞:実体的な、有形の
