Day 27 : freshly looking zombie

I am not a good user of Spotify, but I sometimes listen to it when I run.

I’m not a good user so I need to be patient with the annoying commercials, but I know I have to put up with them as I’m not paying them.

By the way, I didn’t know that they have a service for you to have unique mixed music compilations.

Zonchan started to provide us some compilations as her challenge.

I listened to them while I ran this early evening,    and they are pretty much cool!

When I was young, it was such a great job to pick up your favorite songs and artists and mix them in a cassette tape.

Now it’s easier and more than that, you can share them with your friends. What a wonderful world ♪

Anyway I could lope literally, with her compilation, as Zonchan also lives her life like she skips very lightly.

Word of the day: 
lope (軽やかに走る)

Quote of the day:
Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.  -Plato
