
Day 1,662: defer to, circuit court, arch-, endure

At this second step, if the court sees the agency’s interpretation as reasonable—even if it is not the interpretation the court thinks best—it defers to the agency. In Loper Bright and Relentless, the circuit courts concluded that the law in question is ambiguous and that the nmfs’s interpretation of it is reasonable.

Chevron was popular among conservative justices in its early days. Five years after it was decided, Antonin Scalia (an arch-conservative justice who died in 2016) gave a lecture at Duke Law School in which he predicted that agency deference would endure as it “reflects the reality of government” and “serves its needs”.

Artwork of the day 
Yamamoto Gempo
Style: Zen
Genre: calligraphy

Word of the day 
defer to: to allow another person or organization to make decisions for you because you respectthem, or because of their higher rank, greaterknowledge, etc.:
circuit court: a court that tries cases in different places within the area under its authority:
arch-: most important
endure: to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful:

Quote of the day
“The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all others, charity.”

Benjamin Franklin
