



(教育ジャーナリスト・木村誠)  関西圏では、京大・大阪大・神戸大、そして2022年に大阪市立大と大阪府立大が統合した大阪公立大などの有力な総合大があり、コスパ重視の関西人気質もあって、国公立志向が強い。



 Here in Mie Prefecture, the Kinki region, there are few children who aim for the Kanto region. Many are aiming for Kyoto University, Osaka University, Nagoya University, Kobe University, and so on. I am keeping a close eye on Osaka Public University to see if it will join the ranks, but I get the impression that the national university brand is still strong.

 In the northern part of Mie Prefecture, where I live, many students go to Nagoya University because it is located in the Chukyo industrial area. This is because it is within easy commuting distance. In the midst of a recession, it is expensive to rent an apartment and live alone. When comparing Osaka University and Nagoya University, many students do not feel it is worth it.

