

訳し下ろし:2-3 This man instructed a woman/ to rape ...、2-6 Situations like these make it imperative that/ this myth be laid to rest once and for all.、2-7 It’s worth repeating that,/ according to medical, scientific, and psychological consensus,/ nothing can/ change …

Can “one good roll in the hay” with someone of the opposite sex make a gay person straight?
2-1 No. 2-2 This myth has been repeated and believed for ages, at times with detrimental results. 2-3 While writing this book, a heartbreaking story about a father who thought his eleven-year-old son was gay made headlines in the Southeast. 2-4 This man instructed a woman to rape his child in a restaurant bathroom. 2-5 All because he thought forcing the boy to have sex with a woman would “make him straight.” 2-6 Situations like these make it imperative that this myth be laid to rest once and for all.
2-7 It’s worth repeating that, according to medical, scientific, and psychological consensus, nothing can change a person’s sexuality. 2-8 An opposite-sex sexual encounter cannot make a gay person straight, nor can a same-sex sexual encounter make a straight person gay.
(Tara Y. Coyt, REAL TALK about LGBTQIAP:79)

a roll in the hay (性的な意味で)寝ること, 性行為
for ages 長い間
heartbreaking【形】悲痛な思いにさせる, つらい
headline【名】(新聞・雑誌などの)見出し, 表題(head) > make headlines 新聞に大きく取り上げられる
the Southeast【名】(米国の)南東部
instruct【他動】[SVO to do]〈人〉に…するように(細かく)指図する
rape【他動】…を強姦(ごうかん)[レイプ]する《◆遠回しには violate, assault, attack》
imperative【形】必須の, 絶対に必要な, 緊急の(vital)
lay … to rest 〈人〉を埋葬する《◆buryの遠回し表現》→〈うわさなど〉を鎮める;〈推測などが〉本当でないことを証明する.
once and for all この1回限りで→(これを最後に)きっぱりと
consensus【名】〔…についての/…の間での/…という〕(意見などの)一致, コンセンサス;(大多数の)一致した意見, 合意, 統一見解(agreement)〔about, on / among / that節〕
sexual encounter 性的経験

