
性別適合手術を受ける人の割合は、日本よりも米国の方が少ないようです。特に3-14以下で書かれているようなことは、あまり日本では言われていないと思いますし、それ故、エリン・マクレディ(Elin McCready)さんが世間から叩かれたりするのかなって思います。

まあでも、男性器をつけた人が、女性ですといって、女性用の大浴場に入ることが許されるかどうかという問題とも関連していて... どこまで認めるのかということ。日米でこれ(性別適合手術を受けるべきか否か)に関する意識の差があるのは事実のようです。

訳し下ろし:3-1 There are a variety of reasons/ a person ...、3-3 ... each person crafts that process/ based on what makes them feel whole...、3-6 Trans men and women/ who desire bottom surgery may be faced with/ financial challenges/ that make it impossible.、3-7 The survey also found that/ almost 50 percent of trans women say/ they want ...、3-8... plastic surgery/ of almost any kind/ is ...、3-9 Consider that/ the average cost ... is $3,719,/ according to 2016 statistics ...、3-10 ... that cost is increased by/ a number of ...、3-11... receive counseling/ that can cost ...、3-13 Gender reassignment surgery/ to reconstruct genitalia/ can cost $15,000,/ according to ...、3-14 The fact ... suggests that/ being a man or woman is more about/ how we feel/ than ...

Why don’t all trans people have genital reassignment surgery?
3-1 There are a variety of reasons a person might not have reassignment surgery. 3-2 As mentioned earlier, genital reassignment surgery is not required for a person to transition. 3-3 Also, transitioning is a personalized process and each person crafts that process based on what makes them feel whole, what they can afford, and what their health allows.
3-4 As mentioned in the response to the preceding question, very few gender-dysphoric individuals have surgery to change their genitalia. 3-5 According to a survey by the National Center for Transgender Equality, only 11 percent of transgender women and 12 percent of transgender men say they’ve had reassignment surgery to alter their genitals.
3-6 Trans men and women who desire bottom surgery may be faced with financial challenges that make it impossible. 3-7 The survey also found that almost 50 percent of trans women say they want reassignment surgery but can’t afford to pay cash and don’t have insurance that will cover the cost.
3-8 Without the help of insurance, plastic surgery of almost any kind is an expensive venture. 3-9 Consider that the average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $3,719, according to 2016 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 3-10 For trans patients, that cost is increased by a number of requirements. 3-11 Prior to the surgery, transgender patients must also receive counseling that can cost more than $5,000 for one year. 3-12 There is also hormone therapy, which can be up to $2,400 for one year. 3-13 Gender reassignment surgery to reconstruct genitalia can cost $15,000, according to health.costhelper.com.
3-14 The fact that some people don’t feel the need for body-altering surgery suggests that being a man or woman is more about how we feel than what our physical packaging provides. 3-15 A cisgender woman isn’t any less of a woman after a hysterectomy or because she has small breasts. 3-16 A cisgender man isn’t any less of a man after a vasectomy or because he has a small penis. 3-17 In a perfect world, we would all have the breasts or penis and other physical features we desire, but not having those attributes doesn’t diminish who we are. 3-18 And as the medical community has asserted, genitalia do not define gender identity.
(Tara Y. Coyt, REAL TALK about LGBTQIAP:179-180, 181)

as mentioned earlier 前述[既述]のように[とおり], 先に述べたように[とおり]
personalized【形】個人の要求[好み]に合わせた, 個別的な
craft【他動】(特殊な技術などを駆使して) …を作る→〈計画・提案など〉を作りあげる;…を案出[策定]する
feel whole 自分が完全になったと感じる
afford【他動】〈物〉を買う[支払う, 持つ](経済的・時間的)余裕がある
response【名】〔…への/…からの〕返答, 応答〔to/ from〕《◆answer よりも堅い語》
preceding【形】(時間的・場所的に)前の, 先立つ;前述の(previous)
dysphoric【形】 < dysphoria【名】精神不安感, 身体違和感, 不満感
> gender dysphoria 性別違和
the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) 「トランスジェンダーの平等のための国立センター」
financial【形】財政上の, 財務の, 会計[金銭出納]上の
challenge【名】(努力を必要とする)課題, (突きつけられた)難題
cover【他動】〈保険が〉〈人・物〉を〔損害に対して/…することに対し〕補償する, カバーする
without the help of ... …の助け[援助]なしで
venture【名】(危険な)冒険, 危険な試み→冒険[投機]的事業(business venture)
requirement【名】(法・規制などが定める)必要条件, 要求されるもの, 要件
prior to ... …の前に, …に先立って
counseling【名】カウンセリング, (専門家との)相談
up to ... (数量などを示して)…まで, 最大[最高]…で
packaging【名】包装(紙), パッケージ, 包装[梱包]材料《箱・紙・ひもなど》
vasectomy【名】精管切除(術), パイプカット
in a perfect world 完璧な[理想の]世界では[であれば], もし完璧な世界というものが存在するならば
diminish【他動】〈事・物〉を減らす, 小さくする→〈人・業績・重要性など〉を(実際よりも)軽んじる, 低める(belittle)
assert【他動】[SV that 節]…ということを断言[主張]する


