
これもよくある誤解ですが... 誤解を招く性行動をしている人も、性的マイノリティであるか否かを問わず、いることは事実です。私自身はpromiscuousではないと自分では思っています。

訳し下ろし:2-2 Some people have the idea/ that ...、2-3 LGBTQ people/ aren’t any more promiscuous or sexually adventurous by nature or in practice/ than ...、2-4Being LGBTQ doesn’t mean/ you have to engage in sexual activity at all.、2-5Having sex is a personal decision/, regardless of whether you’re queer or straight.

2-1 Myth #2 : LGBTQ people are promiscuous. 2-2 Some people have the idea that being LGBTQ is only about sex, and therefore having sex is the primary focus of queer people (especially those who identify as male).
2-3 Truth #2 : The fact is, LGBTQ people aren’t any more promiscuous or sexually adventurous by nature or in practice than straight/ cis people are. 2-4 Being LGBTQ doesn’t mean you have to engage in sexual activity at all. 2-5 Having sex is a personal decision, regardless of whether you’re queer or straight.
(Kelly Huegel Madrone, LGBTQ (Revised & Updated Third Edition): 164)

promiscuous【形】だれとでも寝る(ような), フリーセックスの, ふしだらな
primary focus 第一[最大]の関心事
sexually adventurous 性的に冒険好きな→大胆な
regardless of … …にかまわず, …にはおかまいなしに, …とは関係なく

