
2020年東大入試問題・英語4(A) 解答解説和訳速報


以下の英文の段落(21)~ (25)にはそれぞれ誤りがある。修正が必要な下線部を各段落から一つずつ選び,マークシートの(21)~ (25)にその記号をマークせよ。

 (21) Among the various elements of (a)the natural world which in fantasy fiction become invested with mysterious powers, trees and forests particularly often (b)undergo changes which elevate them from the domain of the natural into that of the super-natural. Consequently, their appearance (c)in fantastic stories lively characters and magical woodlands strengthens the charming and exotic appeal of a story. Yet it is a misunderstanding to perceive the trees and forests of fantasy (d)as hardly anything else than amusing (e)but otherwise insignificant characters.
 (22) Various myths from across the world (a)include sacred trees which serve as a link between humankind and the divine. In other words, the tree was often associated with a particular god or, together with a sacred stone, it formed a place of worship, which was called a "microcosm," because (b)its structure reflected the nature of the cosmos. As the sacred "upside-down tree," whose roots were in the sky and branches reached the earth, it (c)was functioned also as a representation of the universe. Moreover, the location of the tree was often perceived as the ultimate center of reality, and the tree itself became a link between heaven and earth. (d)Because of its cycle of shedding and regrowing leaves, many cultures regarded the tree as symbol of life, and numerous myths (e)insisted that human life was connected to or, in fact, originated from trees and other plants.
 (23) While some writers of fantasy fiction use fantastic trees and forests only (a)as important elements of their world-building, numerous others have recognized the (b)potential locking in the image of myths and fairy tales. As a result, in modern fantasy, trees and forests also (c)become a vessel of the divine, a space of trial and testing, a catalyst of the hero's physical and psychological change, and an active agent in the resolution of conflict. Moreover, they are frequently (d)presented as the last trace of myth in the modern world, and their portrayal may be (e)a metaphor through which the author intends to convey an important message about humanity's relationship with the natural world.
 (24) Today, many people treat our planet's ecosystems as commodities, and (a)acknowledge only their material and practical value. Of course, forests (b)have supplied people with resources for centuries, (c)yet now, more than ever, the environment is endangered by human progress, because (d)not only does our growing population require more and more space and resources, but also we are slowly "migrating" into the cyberspace (e)where we are easy to forget about our connection with the rest of the living world.
 (25) Fortunately, fantasy fiction – (a)the heir to the traditions of myths and fairy tales - may still (b)remind us the spiritual value of nature. In fantasy fiction, trees and forests play vital roles and are presented as entities fundamental to the well-being of the imaginary world and its inhabitants. Staying in harmony with the natural world is (c)shown as a deeply rewarding experience, because the natural world is filled with the divine essence. Writers of fantasy fiction, such as MacDonald, Tolkien, and Lewis, (d)perceived nature religiously in their own lives and used myth to (e)convey this religious sensibility towards nature to their readers.

microcosm 小宇宙
cosmos 宇宙
ecosystem 生態系
catalyst 触媒
MacDonald G.マクドナルド(1824-1905;英国の作家)
Tolkien J.R.R.トールキン(1892-1973;英国の作家)
Lewis C.S.ルイス(1898-1963;英国の作家)




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