
Just the way we are

I got interested in agriculture because of Alice Waters, who is one of my respected women.

She is a chef, the owner of Chez Panisse, which is one of famous restaurants in California, and the leading person of “Farm to table”.

NHK tv program introduced her.

Her philosophy, activities and relationships to farmers and communities inspired me.

She has the veggie garden and herb garden in her house.

She also has the small place to make composts made from raw garbage like peels of veggies.

She uses those composts in her gardens.

Her veggies and herbs get great nutrition from them.

And she enjoys these veggies and herbs for her meals.

Raw garbages, excretions, dead bodies of insects and animals will be organic nutritions with soils.

The fertile soil will help to make great veggies, flowers and trees.

This is the natural circulation.

I realized that nature was perfect.

The power of nature and the perfection overwhelmed me.

It reminded me that human beings are also one of the sources in nature and human beings might be also perfect just the way we are.

Recently lots of Japanese people care about the conditions such as “what’s your job?”, “married or single”, “have kids or no kid”.

And we focus on what we don’t have.

However, the point we should focus is what we have.

Because we are naturally perfect.

Let’s appreciate what we have and naturally powers.
