
8月の不労所得レポート: ドリップトラブルと新たなチャンス August Passive Income Report: Drip Troubles and New Opportunities

August Passive Income Report: Drip Troubles and New Opportunities

James Pelton

Sep 14, 2023

Hey there, it’s James Pelton, and it’s that time of the month again. In the spirit of transparency, I’m here to share my monthly passive income report for August. Please understand that my intention is not to boast but rather to provide you with insights into my investment journey and the various projects I’m involved in. Passive income is just a means to an end for me, and my ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of others. So, let’s dive right into it!
こんにちは、ジェームス・ペルトンです、今月もその時期がやってきました。透明性の精神に基づき、私はここで 8月の月次不労所得レポートを共有します。私の意図は自慢ではなく、私の投資遍歴と私が関わっているさまざまなプロジェクトについての洞察を提供することであることをご理解ください。私にとって不労所得は目的を達成するための手段にすぎず、私の最終的な目標は、他の人の生活にプラスの影響を与えることです。それでは、早速その内容を見ていきましょう!

Putting Things into Perspective

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details of my investments, I want to emphasize that while I discuss finances extensively, it’s not the most important aspect of my life. My faith plays a crucial role, and I firmly believe that our time on this Earth is fleeting. We can’t take our wealth with us, which is why my primary aim is to use my resources to help others.

Highlighted Projects


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