
Day -5: MAB Journey_Self Awareness is the key ingredient of your Growth_Part 2

I can free style myself in front of audiences to speak my thoughts and experiences. However, once it comes to writing, my brain and hands stop. 

For the past two days, I have been spending 12 hours or so in total to face inner myself to organize my thoughts and express them in public. This practice is actually working well for me, I believe, as my writing had gotten faster than before.  

My good friend training facilitator, Kenji-san, said “Only inputs of information stays as Knowledge, but inputs presuppose output afterwords truly becomes your learning.” Continuous practices will certainly make one’s grow faster. 

In terms of today’s reflection, I have looked back all learnings and experiences for the past six months of internship period at TalentEx. This reflection truly allowed me to connect my past, present and future career paths, be confident in my current status and more detailed action plans to achieve my goal in the future. This reflection summary that I have written down will be posted and shared at TigerMov website, who has helped me to connect to the company in Thailand to work as an intern. 

From the reflection summary, I will excerpt and post “four key values in my life” that I nurtured throughout my life and this internship. It will be both in English and Japanese.

4 Belief/Values in Life

1. Life is all about delusion - 妄想してこその人生 (周りの考えや常識に縛られるのではなく、自分がなりたい姿を想像しましょう)
2. Nothing beats experience - 経験に勝るものは無い (ネットで探せる情報はあくまでも知識でしかない。目で見て肌で感じるからこそ、知識が自分のものとなり、唯一無二のアイデンティティが形成されていく)
3. Go always beyond your boundary - 常に限界/想像の一歩先を行こう (自分には無理だと思ったら絶好のチャンス!掴み取ろう!それがあなたの可能性を引き出すきっかけ/鍵となる)
4. No limits in Human Growth - 人の成長に限界は無い

