
The International Women’s Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day.

In 1904, women workers in the United States demonstrated for women’s suffrage.

Since 1975
The United Nations chose that day to call for women’s globally for their participation and advancement in society and celebrate women’s amazing achievements, and courageous actions, and to recognize women’s rights to equality.

In Italy, March 8th is Mimosa Day, a custom in which men give mimosa flowers to women.
The language of Mimosa flowers is Gratitude in Italy.
Mimosa are small yellow flowers.

Yellow is the symbolic color of the International Women’s Day.

In Japan, 【Happy Women Festa 】
a music festival inviting female artists will be held.
There will also have an award ceremony for the International Women’s Day, which honors women who have contributed to the creation of a sustainable society and companies that have contributed to the promotion of women’s activities.

While women are supporters of an equal future for peace in the world, there are times when they are hindered by gender disparities because they are women.
To eliminate such inequality, that’s the purpose and goal of the lnternational Women’s Day.
