
IELTS、英検1級ライティングその2 world currency

お題 Would the global economy benefit from having a single world currency?


The potential of a single world currency to bring benefits to economic pictures cannot be overstated because a global currency streamlines international trade, promotes economic stability and solves socioeconomic inequality.

It is undeniable that single world currency can simplify international transactions, reducing exchange rate volatility and transaction costs. With a unified currency, businesses would no longer need to navigate fluctuating exchange rates, mitigating risks associated with currency fluctuations and facilitating smoother trade relations.

Additionally, the unification of a global currency has the potential to enhance economic stability by minimising currency crises and speculative attacks. By eliminating the need for countries to manage their own currencies, the likelihood of currency manipulation and competitive devaluations would decrease, fostering greater macroeconomic stability on a global scale.

Another factor to justify my opinion is that integrating the use of world currencies can promote financial integration and facilitate capital allocation across borders.  This transactional endeavour enables nations the world over to contribute financially to impoverished countries by directing to where capital flows are most needed, potentially nurturing global economic growth.

In conclusion, three compelling reasons mentioned above make it clear that impacts of a unified world currency on the world economy are immeasurably beneficial.
