

Extract as many sentences of the conversation as possible. Do not add explanatory text. Please use only spoken sentences in English. Please be sure to include a period at the end of the minute.



- "I can fly that's so cool these Crystal superpowers are awesome whoa that wasn't supposed to happen oh my goodness who oh no got to watch out uh-oh it's spinning through Adventure City run out of here zero Stars I totally do not recommend this way of getting around the city."

- "I'm calling the PAW Patrol for help."

- "Anything yet not even a nipple dorus what's going on like a lot Ryder a whirlwinds in the city and we're like so over it well actually I'm in it."

- "Yes don't worry we're on our way."

- "No Whirlwind whirls too fast no puff is too small."

- "Paw Patrol to Marine HQ rer needs us."

- "Paw Patrol ready for action Ridder sir thanks for hurrying pups a powerful Whirlwind is ripping through Adventure City."

- "Oh no we need to stop it and keep people safe so for this Mission I'll need Sky use your jet to blast away any debris thrown out of the Whirlwind before it causes more damage to the city."

- "This pup's got to fly."

- "I'll also need Chase your net will be be able to catch people as they're flung out of the Whirlwind."

- "Mighty chase is on the case."

- "I'll also need Zuma use your hovercraft F to break up the Whirlwind once everyone's safe."

- "Let's dive in there's damage to the city that needs to be repaired so I'll also need Rocky don't lose it reuse it."

- "All right Mighty pups are on a roll."

- "Yes oh no you don't Power Pause."

- "Net is being inside that Whirlwind what public transportation feels like hard pass sky watch out."

- "Let's take to the sky all clear Zuma Ro roof thin."

- "Powerp a superpowered staff Victoria the those crystals aren't real I promise."

- "Uh-huh we'll be the judge of that in the meantime no more whirlwinds thanks for saving the city Mighty pops don't mention it Mayor Goodway whenever your friends get stuck up into a whirlwind just Yelp for help."

- "I will but I for one hope that doesn't become a regular event."


Let's start with the first sentence and proceed through the list as instructed:

### Sentence 1:

"I can fly that's so cool these Crystal superpowers are awesome whoa that wasn't supposed to happen oh my goodness who oh no got to watch out uh-oh it's spinning through Adventure City run out of here zero Stars I totally do not recommend this way of getting around the city."

**Translation:** 「飛べるなんてすごい、このクリスタルの超能力は最高だ!わあ、これは起こるはずじゃなかった、あらまあ誰?ああ、気をつけないと。あちゃー、アドベンチャーシティをグルグル回ってるよ、ここから逃げ出そう、ゼロ星、この移動方法は全くお勧めできない。」

- Crystal

- superpowers

- awesome

- recommend

- spinning

- Adventure City

### Sentence 2:

"I'm calling the PAW Patrol for help."

**Translation:** 「助けを求めてパウ・パトロールに電話しているよ。」


- calling

- PAW Patrol

- help

Continuing with this approach for the rest of the sentences.

### Sentence 3:



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