
PythonとKerasによるディープラーニングの 5 章について

最近,PythonとKerasによるディープラーニングの 5 章で少しつまずいたので,その内容と解決方法を紹介する.

実行したコード(Google Colaboratory で GPU 利用)

import keras
from keras import layers
from keras import models

model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(28, 28, 1)))
model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'))
RuntimeError: It looks like you are trying to use a version of multi-backend Keras that does not support TensorFlow 2.0. We recommend using `tf.keras`, or alternatively, downgrading to TensorFlow 1.14.
エラーメッセージにある通り,tf.keras を利用するもしくは TensorFlow 1.14 へダウングレードだったので前者を選択した.


import tensorflow as tf

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
 tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(28, 28, 1)),
 tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
 tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'),
 tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
 tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'),

11 April, 2020 時点での pip list の結果は以下の通り.

Package                  Version        
------------------------ ---------------
absl-py                  0.9.0          
alabaster                0.7.12         
albumentations           0.1.12         
altair                   4.1.0          
asgiref                  3.2.7          
astor                    0.8.1          
astropy                  4.0.1.post1    
astunparse               1.6.3          
atari-py                 0.2.6          
atomicwrites             1.3.0          
attrs                    19.3.0         
audioread                2.1.8          
autograd                 1.3            
Babel                    2.8.0          
backcall                 0.1.0          
beautifulsoup4           4.6.3          
bleach                   3.1.4          
blis                     0.4.1          
bokeh                    1.4.0          
boto3                    1.12.35        
botocore                 1.15.35        
Bottleneck               1.3.2          
branca                   0.4.0          
bs4                      0.0.1          
CacheControl             0.12.6         
cachetools               3.1.1          
catalogue                1.0.0          
certifi                  2019.11.28     
cffi                     1.14.0         
chainer                  6.5.0          
chardet                  3.0.4          
click                    7.1.1          
cloudpickle              1.3.0          
cmake                    3.12.0         
cmdstanpy                0.4.0          
colorlover               0.3.0          
community                1.0.0b1        
contextlib2              0.5.5          
convertdate              2.2.0          
coverage                 3.7.1          
coveralls                0.5            
crcmod                   1.7            
cufflinks                0.17.3         
cupy-cuda101             6.5.0          
cvxopt                   1.2.4          
cvxpy                    1.0.29         
cycler                   0.10.0         
cymem                    2.0.3          
Cython                   0.29.16        
daft                     0.0.4          
dask                     2.12.0         
dataclasses              0.7            
datascience              0.10.6         
decorator                4.4.2          
defusedxml               0.6.0          
descartes                1.1.0          
distributed              1.25.3         
Django                   3.0.5          
dlib                     19.18.0        
docopt                   0.6.2          
docutils                 0.15.2         
dopamine-rl              1.0.5          
earthengine-api          0.1.217        
easydict                 1.9            
ecos                     2.0.7.post1    
editdistance             0.5.3          
en-core-web-sm           2.2.5          
entrypoints              0.3            
et-xmlfile               1.0.1          
fa2                      0.3.5          
fancyimpute              0.4.3          
fastai                   1.0.60         
fastdtw                  0.3.4          
fastprogress             0.2.2          
fastrlock                0.4            
fbprophet                0.6            
feather-format           0.4.0          
featuretools             0.4.1          
filelock                 3.0.12         
firebase-admin           4.0.1          
fix-yahoo-finance        0.0.22         
Flask                    1.1.1          
folium                   0.8.3          
fsspec                   0.7.1          
future                   0.16.0         
gast                     0.3.3          
GDAL                     2.2.2          
gdown                    3.6.4          
gensim                   3.6.0          
geographiclib            1.50           
geopy                    1.17.0         
gin-config               0.3.0          
glob2                    0.7            
google                   2.0.3          
google-api-core          1.16.0         
google-api-python-client 1.7.12         
google-auth              1.7.2          
google-auth-httplib2     0.0.3          
google-auth-oauthlib     0.4.1          
google-cloud-bigquery    1.21.0         
google-cloud-core        1.0.3          
google-cloud-datastore   1.8.0          
google-cloud-firestore   1.6.2          
google-cloud-language    1.2.0          
google-cloud-storage     1.18.1         
google-cloud-translate   1.5.0          
google-colab             1.0.0          
google-pasta             0.2.0          
google-resumable-media   0.4.1          
googleapis-common-protos 1.51.0         
googledrivedownloader    0.4            
graphviz                 0.10.1         
grpcio                   1.27.2         
gspread                  3.0.1          
gspread-dataframe        3.0.5          
gym                      0.17.1         
h5py                     2.10.0         
HeapDict                 1.0.1          
holidays                 0.9.12         
html5lib                 1.0.1          
httpimport               0.5.18         
httplib2                 0.17.1         
httplib2shim             0.0.3          
humanize                 0.5.1          
hyperopt                 0.1.2          
ideep4py                 2.0.0.post3    
idna                     2.8            
image                    1.5.28         
imageio                  2.4.1          
imagesize                1.2.0          
imbalanced-learn         0.4.3          
imblearn                 0.0            
imgaug                   0.2.9          
importlib-metadata       1.6.0          
imutils                  0.5.3          
inflect                  2.1.0          
intel-openmp             2020.0.133     
intervaltree             2.1.0          
ipykernel                4.6.1          
ipython                  5.5.0          
ipython-genutils         0.2.0          
ipython-sql              0.3.9          
ipywidgets               7.5.1          
itsdangerous             1.1.0          
jax                      0.1.62         
jaxlib                   0.1.42         
jdcal                    1.4.1          
jedi                     0.16.0         
jieba                    0.42.1         
Jinja2                   2.11.1         
jmespath                 0.9.5          
joblib                   0.14.1         
jpeg4py                  0.1.4          
jsonschema               2.6.0          
jupyter                  1.0.0          
jupyter-client           5.3.4          
jupyter-console          5.2.0          
jupyter-core             4.6.3          
kaggle                   1.5.6          
Keras                    2.2.5          
Keras-Applications       1.0.8          
Keras-Preprocessing      1.1.0          
keras-vis                0.4.1          
kiwisolver               1.2.0          
knnimpute                0.1.0          
librosa                  0.6.3          
lightgbm                 2.2.3          
llvmlite                 0.31.0         
lmdb                     0.98           
lucid                    0.3.8          
LunarCalendar            0.0.9          
lxml                     4.2.6          
Markdown                 3.2.1          
MarkupSafe               1.1.1          
matplotlib               3.2.1          
matplotlib-venn          0.11.5         
missingno                0.4.2          
mistune                  0.8.4          
mizani                   0.6.0          
mkl                      2019.0         
mlxtend                  0.14.0         
more-itertools           8.2.0          
mpmath                   1.1.0          
msgpack                  1.0.0          
multiprocess             0.70.9         
multitasking             0.0.9          
murmurhash               1.0.2          
music21                  5.5.0          
natsort                  5.5.0          
nbconvert                5.6.1          
nbformat                 5.0.5          
networkx                 2.4            
nibabel                  3.0.2          
nltk                     3.2.5          
notebook                 5.2.2          
numba                    0.47.0         
numexpr                  2.7.1          
numpy                    1.18.2         
nvidia-ml-py3            7.352.0        
oauth2client             4.1.3          
oauthlib                 3.1.0          
okgrade                  0.4.3          
openpyxl                 2.5.9          
opt-einsum               3.2.0          
osqp                     0.6.1          
packaging                20.3           
palettable               3.3.0          
pandas                   1.0.3          
pandas-datareader        0.8.1          
pandas-gbq               0.11.0         
pandas-profiling         1.4.1          
pandocfilters            1.4.2          
parso                    0.6.2          
pathlib                  1.0.1          
patsy                    0.5.1          
pexpect                  4.8.0          
pickleshare              0.7.5          
Pillow                   7.0.0          
pip                      19.3.1         
pip-tools                4.5.1          
plac                     1.1.3          
plotly                   4.4.1          
plotnine                 0.6.0          
pluggy                   0.7.1          
portpicker               1.3.1          
prefetch-generator       1.0.1          
preshed                  3.0.2          
prettytable              0.7.2          
progressbar2             3.38.0         
prometheus-client        0.7.1          
promise                  2.3            
prompt-toolkit           1.0.18         
protobuf                 3.10.0         
psutil                   5.4.8          
ptvsd                    5.0.0a12       
ptyprocess               0.6.0          
py                       1.8.1          
pyarrow                  0.14.1         
pyasn1                   0.4.8          
pyasn1-modules           0.2.8          
pycocotools              2.0.0          
pycparser                2.20           
pydata-google-auth       0.3.0          
pydot                    1.3.0          
pydot-ng                 2.0.0          
pydotplus                2.0.2          
PyDrive                  1.3.1          
pyemd                    0.5.1          
pyglet                   1.5.0          
Pygments                 2.1.3          
pygobject                3.26.1         
pymc3                    3.7            
PyMeeus                  0.3.7          
pymongo                  3.10.1         
pymystem3                0.2.0          
PyOpenGL                 3.1.5          
pyparsing                2.4.6          
pyrsistent               0.16.0         
pysndfile                1.3.8          
PySocks                  1.7.1          
pytest                   3.6.4          
python-apt               1.6.5+ubuntu0.2
python-chess             0.23.11        
python-dateutil          2.8.1          
python-louvain           0.13           
python-slugify           4.0.0          
python-utils             2.4.0          
pytz                     2018.9         
PyWavelets               1.1.1          
PyYAML                   3.13           
pyzmq                    17.0.0         
qtconsole                4.7.2          
QtPy                     1.9.0          
regex                    2019.12.20     
requests                 2.21.0         
requests-oauthlib        1.3.0          
resampy                  0.2.2          
retrying                 1.3.3          
rpy2                     3.2.7          
rsa                      4.0            
s3fs                     0.4.2          
s3transfer               0.3.3          
scikit-image             0.16.2         
scikit-learn             0.22.2.post1   
scipy                    1.4.1          
screen-resolution-extra  0.0.0          
scs                      2.1.2          
seaborn                  0.10.0         
Send2Trash               1.5.0          
setuptools               46.1.3         
setuptools-git           1.2            
Shapely                  1.7.0          
simplegeneric            0.8.1          
six                      1.12.0         
sklearn                  0.0            
sklearn-pandas           1.8.0          
smart-open               1.10.0         
snowballstemmer          2.0.0          
sortedcontainers         2.1.0          
spacy                    2.2.4          
Sphinx                   1.8.5          
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.1          
SQLAlchemy               1.3.15         
sqlparse                 0.3.1          
srsly                    1.0.2          
statsmodels              0.10.2         
sympy                    1.1.1          
tables                   3.4.4          
tabulate                 0.8.7          
tblib                    1.6.0          
tensorboard              2.2.0          
tensorboard-plugin-wit   1.6.0.post2    
tensorboardcolab         0.0.22         
tensorflow               2.2.0rc2       
tensorflow-addons        0.8.3          
tensorflow-datasets      2.1.0          
tensorflow-estimator     2.2.0rc0       
tensorflow-gcs-config    2.1.8          
tensorflow-hub           0.8.0          
tensorflow-metadata      0.21.1         
tensorflow-privacy       0.2.2          
tensorflow-probability   0.9.0          
termcolor                1.1.0          
terminado                0.8.3          
testpath                 0.4.4          
text-unidecode           1.3            
textblob                 0.15.3         
textgenrnn               1.4.1          
Theano                   1.0.4          
thinc                    7.4.0          
toolz                    0.10.0         
torch                    1.4.0          
torchsummary             1.5.1          
torchtext                0.3.1          
torchvision              0.5.0          
tornado                  4.5.3          
tqdm                     4.38.0         
traitlets                4.3.3          
tweepy                   3.6.0          
typeguard                2.7.1          
typing                   3.6.6          
typing-extensions        3.6.6          
tzlocal                  1.5.1          
umap-learn               0.3.10         
uritemplate              3.0.1          
urllib3                  1.24.3         
vega-datasets            0.8.0          
wasabi                   0.6.0          
wcwidth                  0.1.9          
webencodings             0.5.1          
Werkzeug                 1.0.1          
wheel                    0.34.2         
widgetsnbextension       3.5.1          
wordcloud                1.5.0          
wrapt                    1.12.1         
xarray                   0.15.1         
xgboost                  0.90           
xkit                     0.0.0          
xlrd                     1.1.0          
xlwt                     1.3.0          
yellowbrick              0.9.1          
zict                     2.0.0          
zipp                     3.1.0     

以下の github のコードが既に古くなっている部分もある.
