
【Koyomi】March 31, 2024

72 Kou|Kaminari Sunawachi Koe wo Hassu

The Significance of "Kaminari Sunawachi Koe wo Hassu"

From March 30th to April 3rd, the Japanese calendar marks a period known as "Kaminari Sunawachi Koe wo Hassu" or "Thunder Declares Its Presence," which is the 12th of the seventy-two micro-seasons. This time signifies the transition from winter to spring, marked by the alternating patterns of rain and wind. The wind heralds the arrival of spring, while the rain promotes the sprouting of new life. This micro-season is a reminder of nature's cycles and the ancient wisdom that perceives thunder as a harbinger of prosperity, particularly in agriculture.



Connecting Seasons: From Thunder's Declaration to Silence

In the cycle of seventy-two micro-seasons, "Kaminari Sunawachi Koe wo Hassu" is paired with the 46th micro-season in late September, "Kaminari Sunawachi Koe wo Osamu" or "Thunder Ceases Its Voice." This pairing underscores a beautiful symmetry within the natural world, marking the beginning and end of thunder's influence over the seasons. The use of "Nao" in these terms, meaning "finally" or "at last," indicates these moments as significant turning points in the annual cycle, especially in relation to the agricultural practices centered around rice cultivation.



Cultural Impacts and Beliefs Around Thunder

Historically, thunder has played a pivotal role in Japanese agricultural beliefs, symbolizing the promise of rainfall and, consequently, a bountiful harvest. The kanji for thunder, combining the elements of "rain" and "rice field," reflects its critical importance. Cultural anecdotes, such as the childhood caution to hide one's navel during thunderstorms to prevent it from being stolen by the thunder god, illustrate the deep-rooted cultural significance and the natural ways people adapted to protect themselves from sudden drops in temperature during such events.


