
田舎暮らし体験記「家庭料理③」編-Rural Life Experience “Home Cooking③”ed.-

Third home cooking edition. This time, I’m also going to put some dishes which I cooked. 

一緒に住んでいたフレンチカップルが作ったラザニア/Lasagna which was made by a French couple who lived with me.  
日本料理をリクエストされたが生春巻きを作った(が、喜んで食べてくれた)/I made summer rolls although I was requested to make Japanese food. But they happily ate them. 
一応一品は日本料理(牛肉と豆腐の何か)/A Japanese dish (Something of Beef and tofu)
これもまたフレンチカップルが焼いてくれたフレンチパイ/This is French pie which was baked by a French couple too. 
チーズスコーン/Cheese Scones
リクエストされて作った味噌汁/Miso soup I was requested  to make. 
オムレツ/Omelette made by me and a friend
BBQのある生活について理想を語ったらBBQしてくれた/I told them my ideals about life with a BBQ and they organized BBQ. 
ハンバーガーBBQ/Hamburger BBQ
食後のリキュールとショートブレッドとチョコレート/Liqueur, Shortbread and Chocolate after meal
