
Raiden(Thunderbolt) Athletic Training Scissors

     There were two warbirds fighting each other in the sky nearly 80 years ago. Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighter-bomber was an escort fighter for the US Army Air Force’s bigger strategic bomber aircrafts.

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Japan’s Naval Air Force had flown high-altitude interceptor Mitsubishi J2M Raiden toward the end of the 2nd World War. The Japanese name “Raiden” means also “Thunderbolt.”

Mitsubishi J2M Raiden

Both aircraft were designed around powerful large engine with turbocharger, also beloved by fighter pilots because of their high-performance. 
     Then now, in the 21st century, pair of Thunderbolts will fight together… not against each other, in the Sports Medicine field.

Please welcome, Raiden/Thunderbolt Scissors from Sakai Osaka, Japan.

Performance and Durability in one pair…

     A pair of scissors are designed by a Japan’s Osteopathic Judo Therapist, Yoshikatsu (Yoshi) Ushijima who also is an athletic trainer, certified by NATA-BOC, had been worked in the United States as well. Since Yoshi left the U.S. in 2007, he had been looking for a pair of scissors in the market which can cut from a highly elastic new material tapes to thick nylon straps of a football gear by one. It was not an easy task.  For several years he had held his own design of ideal athletic training scissors, then he found where to go. He was born and grew up in a City of Sakai, Osaka, well known as “a town of swordsmith and gunsmith” since 16th century. In 2019, he finally found someone who can fulfill his needs.

Removable Pivot and Ball on the tip of dynamic blade

     Raiden/Thunderbolt scissors are made by high quality thick stainless steel. Its’ pivot is removable. A ball, on the tip of a dynamic blade, is screw connected so, it is also removable. You can grind the blades once in its’ lifetime to restore the sharpness (Manufacture does not recommend for more than once). This will be the highest quality of Athletic Training scissors throughout your practical experiences. You would love to have it with you all the time. Yoshi can guarantee that you will satisfy its performance in your clinic, or on the field.

I hope you like it. Distributer in the US is MN Medical located in San Antonio Texas. 
