大麻のトリセツ 新しい大麻裁判のカタチ1-1

一般社団法人 CANNABIS国際事業推進評議会 (CANNABIS IBPC)のコラム『大麻のトリセツ』にて「新しい大麻裁判のカタチ1-1」をアップしました。


CANNABIS International Business Promotion Council (CANNABIS IBPC) has launched a new column "CANNABIS Tips" on its website. The first column is titled "A New Form of Marijuana Trial 1-1.

The column will be about the marijuana trial of Ryujiro Oyabu, a ceramicist and experimental archaeologist of the Jomon period, with an interview right after the trial. This will be a continuous series of columns while keeping an eye on the future of the trial.

