
Life is something that ends halfway down the road.  人生は道半ばで絶っていくもの








そして21世紀を迎えて私たちは子孫の繁栄2100年には人口10億人を超えるとも言われています 2021年では人口70億人前後で2100年にはあと30億人口が伸びるということが言われていますしかし子供の人口は横ばいになる横ばいになっているという状況になって今後増えるのは大人が増えるということが分かっています私たちの今いる地球はもうすでにある程度充実した医療や教育制度食料が水が整っている状況になってきている私たちが思うよりも実は世界はどんどん良くなってきているということが言われています






















Life is something that ends halfway down the road. That's what life is all about. Yes, what I mean by this is that those who want to achieve something will continue to try, and since perfection is almost impossible in this world, they will die without seeing the end of anything. But that's what life is all about, and Ryoma Sakamoto died in the middle of trying to accomplish something great. And then there's Liu Bei Gentoku, famous in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, who fought desperately for the peace and tranquility of the world, and was almost killed in the process, but because of his own great virtue, he was able to build a country, and then he fell in the process, but he lived his life to fulfill his own wishes and the wishes of his people, and he died in the process. Yes. So, we are alive, but whether we die just breathing or whether we die trying to accomplish something will determine how we end up. If you don't try, you'll just breathe and live like a plant, and that's one way to live. Trees, plants and insects may live their lives to the fullest to sustain themselves, but we are born with the ability to do something about it. In the Stone Age and the Jomon Age, people's purpose was to survive, to procreate, and to contribute to human prosperity. Yes. In the 21st century, it is said that our descendants will thrive, and that the population will exceed 106 by 2100. It's a good idea to be aware of what's going on in your life and what you can do to help. Factfulness https://amzn.to/3h7GFfi In the event that you have any questions concerning where and the best way to get in touch with your loved ones, please do not hesitate to contact us. The way is open. The way is open. https://amzn.to/3y3BYbG We know that the population is growing now, but it will also level off to a certain degree. There will be a lot of changes in the future, water conflicts, food conflicts, global warming, and the possibility of more infectious diseases. The environment in which we live is changing rapidly, and we know that even endangered species are increasing in number. We know 100% that we will die sooner or later, and although we think we have eternal life, we will die sooner or later, whether it be in a car accident, from disease, from some other cause, or from old age. We are now living in an age of 100 years, and the clearer we are about how we are going to live, the higher our happiness will be. We all die with regrets, regrets about not taking action, not taking action, not making ourselves happy, not enjoying our relationships more, not working too hard, not living our lives to the fullest, not living up to other people's expectations. I wish I hadn't worked so hard, I wish I hadn't lived more authentically, I wish I hadn't done too much to meet other people's expectations. The reason why I know this is because there was a man who wrote a book about his experiences with terminally ill patients, and through his experiences, he found out that there are five things that people disclose, and they die disclosing them. We almost never end our lives thinking that we've lived through it, that we've done it, that we're satisfied, that we're happy. If you're reading this, you've already figured that out, so what you need to do is just take action. Of course, it's more important to act sensibly than to not act and regret it, but if you think about it, just try it, act, try it, say it, try it. This is how you can live a life without regrets. It's easy to find excuses for not wanting to do something, whether it's because it's hot in the summer and you want to do it in the fall, or because you're busy with work and you want to do it when things settle down, or because you're busy with exams and you want to do it after the exams are over, or because you don't have any money and you want to save up. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us. Just do what you can. I'm sure you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life. It's important to try as much as you can, even if it's just a small purchase, it doesn't have to be big and grandiose. Mr. Toru Hashimoto, the former governor of Osaka, said that when he passed away, his father said that he had completely burned out his life and that he had lived his last life to the fullest. If you can say that, you can see that he did a lot of things in his own way, made mistakes, stumbled, but still took action, and that's why he completely burned out his life. This is what I really felt from these words. It's a good thing that we are given life now, and we can do what we can with it, even if it's all we can do to breathe. It is important to live in the moment with a sense of danger so that you can say, "I don't mind dying if I live this one day." And if you live one day, you don't have to think about anything after that. In the event that you have a goal in mind, it is important to think of it as a way to push forward with that goal. If you have a goal in mind, it's important to think about how you're going to achieve it. If we reach the summit and compromise there, our growth may stop there, but we are given life, and we should aim for something, and take a step forward within the range of our ability. That's all.
