






The Difference Between Cookpad and Oishix-LaLaport

Cookpad and Oishix-LaLaport are two of the most well-known food-related companies in Japan. However, their fortunes have diverged in recent years. Cookpad's stock price has fallen by more than 70% since 2017, while Oishix-LaLaport's stock price has more than doubled.

There are several reasons for this difference. One key factor is the nature of their businesses. Cookpad is a recipe sharing platform, while Oishix-LaLaport is a food delivery service. Recipes are a type of information, and information is easily copied and reproduced. This has led to intense competition in the recipe sharing market, making it difficult for Cookpad to maintain its market share.

On the other hand, Oishix-LaLaport's business is based on the sale of physical products, such as food and groceries. Physical products are more difficult to copy and reproduce, and they are also less susceptible to competition from AI.

Another key factor is the target markets of the two companies. Cookpad's target market is people who are interested in cooking and who cook at home regularly. This market is relatively small and competitive. Oishix-LaLaport's target market is people who are busy or who are concerned about their health. This market is larger and growing, and it is less susceptible to competition from other food delivery services.

Finally, Cookpad's business model is based on advertising revenue. However, the advertising market is becoming increasingly fragmented, making it difficult for Cookpad to generate enough revenue to sustain its growth. Oishix-LaLaport's business model is based on sales revenue, which is more stable and predictable.

In conclusion, the difference between Cookpad and Oishix-LaLaport is due to a combination of factors, including the nature of their businesses, their target markets, and their business models. Cookpad's business model is based on information, which is easily copied and reproduced. This has led to intense competition and declining profits. Oishix-LaLaport's business model is based on the sale of physical products, which are more difficult to copy and reproduce. This has led to stable growth and profitability.
