




The Articles of Confederation

Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States was a loose confederation of sovereign states. The central government was weak, with limited powers to tax, raise an army, or regulate trade. This led to problems such as economic instability and inability to deal with foreign threats.

The Annapolis Convention

In 1786, delegates from five states met in Annapolis, Maryland to discuss the problems with the Articles of Confederation. They concluded that a stronger central government was needed and called for a new convention to be held in Philadelphia the following year.

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787. The delegates, including George Washington, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, debated for four months over the structure of the new government. They ultimately agreed on a Constitution that created a federal system with three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial.

The Ratification Debate

The proposed Constitution was not without its critics. Some feared that a strong central government would lead to tyranny. Others believed that the Constitution did not adequately protect the rights of the states or the people. The debate over ratification was heated and divisive, but ultimately the Constitution was ratified by the required number of states in 1788.

The Bill of Rights

In response to the concerns of the Anti-Federalists, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were adopted in 1791. The Bill of Rights guaranteed certain fundamental rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly.



  • The Articles of Confederation:


  • The Annapolis Convention:


  • The Constitutional Convention:


  • The Ratification Debate:


  • The Bill of Rights:


  1. 連合規約の主な問題点は何だったか?

  2. 憲法制定会議でどのような議論が行われたか?

  3. 憲法批准をめぐる議論の主な論点は何か?

  4. 権利章典の主な内容は何だったか?

  1. 連合規約の主な問題点は、以下の3つです。

    • 中央政府の権限が弱すぎた

    • 各州の意見がまとまらず、国家としての統一が弱かった

    • 財政基盤が弱く、経済運営が不安定だった

  2. 憲法制定会議では、以下の2つの主要な議論が行われました。

    • 中央政府の権限と州の権限のバランス

    • 奴隷制の存続

  3. 憲法批准をめぐる議論の主な論点は、以下の2つです。

    • 中央政府の権限強化への懸念

    • 州の権利の弱体化への懸念

  4. 権利章典の主な内容は、以下の通りです。

    • 言論の自由

    • 信教の自由

    • 集会の自由

    • 表現の自由

    • 武器保有権

    • 適法な手続き

