
インターネット調査室: 「'Die-hard' Nintendo fan spent over $40,000 buying stock and then asked top executives why the company won't make more of a fan-favorite series」 <ー 任天堂ファンは凄い〜 国際ニュースになっています

今回は「'Die-hard' Nintendo fan spent over $40,000 buying stock and then asked top executives why the company won't make more of a fan-favorite series」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Business Insider: 1 Jul,2022

「'Die-hard' Nintendo fan spent over $40,000 buying stock and then asked top executives why the company won't make more of a fan-favorite series」: ニンテンドー愛が強すぎ。Nintendo Loverがニンテンドーにしたことは?

A gamer said he spent over 5.6 million Japanese yen — or over $40,000 US dollars — on Nintendo stock, and used his opportunity to ask a question during the Japanese gaming giant's annual shareholder meeting Wednesday about a fan-favorite series he wants to see revived.

任天堂株式を $40,000 US dollars分買いまくり、任天堂に対する(株主総会で)質問権を得、もっと面白いゲームシリーズを作るよう会社に懇願...そこまでする?


The fan asked Shuntaro Furukawa — the president of Nintendo — if the company has considered relaunching some fan-favorite game franchises, specifically "F-Zero," which was a racing-game series that hasn't had a new entry since 2004.


大丈夫ですか~ ニンテンドーさん。


検索キー: 'Die-hard' Nintendo fan spent over $40,000 buying stock and then asked top executives why the company won't make more of a fan-favorite series
