インターネット調査室: 「Wagner’s Desensitized Prison Fighters Keep Staggering Into Bakhmut Like This Is a Zombie Apocalypse」 <ー つまり、破滅的な災害状態

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The Daily Beast: 8 Jan,2023

「Wagner’s Desensitized Prison Fighters Keep Staggering Into Bakhmut Like This Is a Zombie Apocalypse」:  ここまで来ると、ロシアの威厳も地に落ちるを通り越し地獄に落ちていますね。

In the smoke-filled basement of a nondescript building in the city center of Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine

続きの説明によると: 街は燃え、ビルには玉の跡、ロシアのスナイパーがうじゃうじゃ。 でも、ウクライナ軍がなんとか街のコントロール権を保っている状態。

Wagner has often seized lucrative gold and diamond mines in areas where it operates in Africa, and Prigozhin may have set his sights on the salt and gypsum mines around Bakhmut.

何なんんですかね〜 これは?

Of the Wagnerites, Rem says that they’re a much more effective fighting force than they’re usually given credit for: “They’re making progress, after all.” Desensitized to violence and with nothing left to lose, the prisoners


 “every house [in Bakhmut] has become a fortress”


According to a U.S. official quoted by The Guardian on Thursday, out of an initial force of nearly 50,000 Wagner mercenaries, more than 4,100 have been killed in action, and 10,000 have been wounded, including over 1,000 killed between late November and early December near Bakhmut.


検索キー: Wagner’s Desensitized Prison Fighters Keep Staggering Into Bakhmut Like This Is a Zombie Apocalypse
